[MatchUP] Green Energy in Smart Cities

Learn from smart cities the best green energy solutions

Nowadays, cities are involved in a deep transformation towards sustainability, and the energy sector is one of the key and more complex aspects that must be trasnformed. The 3 smart cities participating in the MatchUP project will share their experiences and lessons learnt related to the innovative energy technologies and actions implemented at the building and city level.


11:00 Introduction; Ernesto Faubel (MatchUP Project Coordinator)

11:10 Dresden: Heat storage in the district heating network; Thomas Dautert (SachsenEnergie)

11:25 Antalya: High performance public buildings and energy efficiency; Neşe Özçandır (Antalya Municipality)

11:40 Valenica: Energy Management System at home and district level; Alejandro Rubio (ITE) & Raquel Alario (ETRA)

11:55 Q&A; Ernesto Faubel


Organize: MatchUP

More info: MatchUP



Mar 08 2022


11:00 am - 12:00 am