CARTIF projects


Open source Nexus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa


ONEPLanET aims at empowering African policy makers, research & academia investors and citizens with the necessary tools and know-how to promote the sustainable energy transition. ONEPlanET will co-design and test a Toolkit, built upon existing Water-Energy-Food Nexus models, that allows to simulate different policy scenarios optimizing existing resources and considering social, climate, economic and biophysical constrains. A knowledge Hub and knowledge exchange activities will also be developed, ONEPlanET will undertake a participatory approach building local communities in three African case studies: Songwe (Malawi/Tanzania), Inkomati-Usuthu (South Africa) and Niger (Nigeria) river basins. 


      • To foster practical usbaility of Water-Energy-Food Nexus models ensuring the match between policy-making and modelling and to improve the interaction/mutual learning among experts, modelers, policy-makers and other stakeholders involved in the Nexus domains.
      • To understand and enhance the link of social and other biophysical constrains to the Nexus, including climate change impacts on key Nexus sectors.
      • To build an Open-Source (OS) System Dynamic Nexus model capitalizing knowledge from previous projects and pre-existing Nexus methodologies to support AU policy-makers and stakeholders. 
      • To demonstrate and validate the ONEPlanET toolkit in 3 african water basins.
      • To feed the Nexus knowledge community with a coordinated training and capacity building strategy increasing knowledge exchange between EU-AU and to deploy a sound strategy towards the exploitation and replication of ONEPlanET results. 


    • Definition of a common modelling architecture for ONEPlanET System Dynamics Models: conceptual models.
    • Development of a database to understand synergies, co-benefits and trade-offs.
    • Modelling interlinkages with other sectors and domains: e.g. climate, economy, society.
    • Co-design of user experience for the identification of the socio-technological requirements of the ONEPlanET toolkit. Design and development of the ONEPlanET ICT tools architecture. 
    • Knowledge exchange Programme on modelling between EU-AU.

    Expected Results

    • Three sectors conceptual nexus models: Water-Food and Energy hightly replicable in African River basins.
    • Water-energy-food nexus databases: metadata and information in terms of technologies, practices and barriers in Nexus modelling in Africa.
    • Upscaling and downscaling algorithms to collect the required nexus data for model implementation in Africa. 
    • ICT prototypes of the ONEPlanET toolkit: user-friendly web-based tool including their architecture and code implementation.
    • Training of African students on System Dynamics nexus modelling. 

    R&D Line

    • Research and development of integrated assessment models (IAM) to support the definition of climate change and energy transition policies.


    Horizon Europe


    Total Budget: 2,499,887.50 €

    CARTIF Budget: 302,500 €

    CARTIF Financing: 6302,500 €

    Duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025


    PhD. Raquel López Fernández

    Energy Division


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