[CAPRI] Final Conference

The CAPRI project is hosting its final online event on September 28, 2023. During this event, we will share the outcomes and insights gained from the project.
The initial session will involve presenting an overview of the project along with its use cases. The subsequent segment of the event will focus on discussing the strengths and challenges encountered in the development of various Cognitive Solutions & CAP (Cognitive Automation Platform). The concluding segment of the conference will be dedicated to showcasing the key exploitable results (KER) achieved throughout the project’s duration.


9:30 Project overview the use cases of the project and the CAP

  • Asphalt use case
  • Steel use case
  • Pharma use case

10:15 The CAP, The Cognitive Automation Platform

10:30 The role of Cognition in CAPRI

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Use Cases Roundtable – Strengths and Barriers encountered in Cognitive Solutions & CAP development

11:45 KER’s of the CAPRI project

12:00 P4Planet & CAPRI Project

12:10 Q&As

12:25 Closing


Organize: CAPRI


Sep 28 2023


9:30 am - 12:30 pm