[FUSILLI] Congress Farm to Fork

Our food, our health, our future

The “Farm to Fork” congress to be held on 16-18 November at the Cine Teatro Avenida in Castelo Branco, Portugal, will bring together national and international experts in the fields of agri-food and nutrition to address the latest issues affecting the farm to fork journey.

The “FARM to FORK” congress is an outgrowth of the collaborative networks and research projects developed within the framework of the CULTIVAR and FUSILLI projects, bringing together specialists and researchers who will present the results of both projects with other researchers working on the “Farm to Fork” strategy.

Among the researchers who will be present at the congress are our colleagues Belén Blanco, director of the food area and Julia Pinedo, researcher in the food area of CARTIF and members of the FUSILLI project.

This congress is conceived as a platform for knowledge exchange, learning and networking between researchers, scientists, policy makers, agri-food and nutrition professionals, students and the agri-food industry.

Agenda “Farm to Fork” Congress

Organise: CATAA

More info: Farm to Fork


Nov 16 - 18 2023