New Construction Processes by means of 3D Printing
The 3DCONS Project (New Construction Processes by means of 3D Printing) focuses on 3D printing technologies in the construction industry and covers several areas: robotics, the search for new materials, process automation, the technological drive of building and the development of design tools based on Building Information Modelling (BIM).
CARTIF, in collaboration with PROINGESA and VIAS, is responsible for the development of the 3D printer for façades, which allows renovation in a short time and with customised geometries and formats.
It has also been in charge, together with CYPE, of the development of computer tools used in the project. Finally, together with GEOCISA, he has worked on the development of new construction processes and the possibility of their automation.
- Development of 3D printing systems for the refurbishment of enclosures and the manufacture of prefabricated elements “à la carte”.
- Robotic systems for printing full-scale construction elements or rehabilitating facades by means of direct printing on vertical elements.
- New ranges of materials developed for 3D printing.
- Reduction of occupational risks associated with work at height.
- Optimisation of material consumption (zero waste).
- Design and manufacture of two 3D printers (one for facades and one for prefabricated products). Testing and adjustment of these printers in various environments and materials.
- Development of the design and control programs necessary to achieve the proposed objectives, integrating the BIM methodology in all stages of 3D printing.
- Tests of different materials based on cement mortars, lime, gypsum and mixed mixtures, specially developed for extrusion application.
Expected results
- Robotic systems for 3D printing of facades and prefabricated customized elements.
- New materials applicable by means of 3D printing technology.
- New construction processes (based on 3D scanning, thermography, BIM, simulation) that surpass the current ones.
- Process automation, new production systems and quality standards.
- Total integration of BIM in the construction process (direct step from design to 3D print control orders).
Industry projects:
bi0SpaCE accelerates the digital and circular transformation of Europe’s bio-based industries through Digital Product Passports (DPP) enhanced with Industry 4.0 technologies.
The ARISE project envisions a near future which aligns with Industry 5.0, prioritising, resilient, sustainable and human-centric work environments. In such a future, companies recognise that investing in industrial human-robot interaction (HRI) is essential for achieving better short- and long-term goals, rather than a cost.
PREDICTIVOdB seeks to develop an innovative solution for the maintenance of wind farms that is quick to implement and has low energy and economic requirements.
INTELIFER consists of the optimisation of the process and products of a granulated NPK fertiliser manufacturing line with the support of Artificial Intelligence.
The overall objective of s-X-AIPI (self-X Artificial Intelligence for European Process Indsutry digital transformation) is to research, develop, test and experiment an innovative toolset of custom trustworthy self-X AI technologies and applications.
PhotonHub Europe
PhotonHub Europe is the unique european Hub (DIH) in photonic that integrates the best technologies, facilities and knowledge in photonics as well as the experience of 53 partners of all Europe. The result is the creation of a unique window that offers a huge variety of support resources for industry to accelerate the integration of photonic in its products and processes.
AI REGIO project aims at supporting AI-driven Digital Transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs, by up-scaling and coordinating different regional smart specialization strategies, by integrating DMPs and DIHs.
Transforming Transport
Transforming Transport project demonstrated, in a realistic, measurable an replicable wway the transformations that Big Data can bring to the mobility and logistics market. TT adress 13 pilots in 7 domains.
AI4EU project aims to make available to users resources based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) that facilitate scientific research and innovation.
Lashare conducted 28 Laser-based Equipment Assessments (LEA-Laser-based Equipment Assessments) addressing a broad range of laser applications.
Smart Factory project has addressed industrial research and technological validation of advanced data and information management systems for manufacturing industries in Castilla y León.
DISRUPTIVE is a cross-border cooperation project which strives to promote and strengthen the collaboration, exchange and scientific production of the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) located in Castilla y León and in the North of Portugal.
The SMARTROT project aims to ensure high maintainability and predictive fault detection in eddy current rotary inspection equipment used in the bar, wire and tube processing lines of steel processes.
SIMAFE project, whose objective is the development of a training and training platform for railway maintenance personnel, based on advanced HMI techniques, electronic training…
The SHERIFF Project (Hybrid and Economic System of Flexible Integral Facade Rehabilitation) new tools for the energy rehabilitation of buildings.
The CIBIC project arises with the objective of improving the services provided by the companies of conservation of infrastructures, based on the application of new technologies to carry out the concept of intelligent systems that will help to improve the quality and the innovation of these services.