CARTIF projects

Agrigenomics and next-generation sequencing technologies


The AGRIGENOMICS AND NEW GENERATION SEQUENCING TECHNOLOGIES research line seeks to implement advanced solutions to solve various problems linked to the agro-forestry and food sectors in Castilla y León, such as soil degradation, low agricultural productivity or the incidence of pests and diseases, considering the entire plant-soil ecosystem as a whole and through a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses agro-biotechnological, chemical-analytical and agronomic methodologies.



  • Agronomic crop management.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of agroforestry systems.
  • Research on microbial biodiversity and monitoring of changes in ecosystems through environmental DNA sequencing and DNA metabarcoding.
  • Improvement of crop productivity, adaptation to climate change and integrated control.
  • Improvement of traditional agro-ecological practices.


a) Study and monitoring of the biodiversity of agroforestry soils in the region using environmental DNA and metabarcoding DNA analysis methods to determine the distribution, abundance, seasonal change and migration of species present in environmental samples.

b) Study of the microbiome of agricultural soils by profiling complete microbial communities in complex environmental samples, in such a way that the understanding of the different microbial populations present allows to determine the most suitable or adequate practices for the different agricultural soil profiles studied and to generate guidelines for the application of solutions or implementation of efficient agricultural practices that benefit both the performance of the agricultural activity and the regeneration and resilience of the soil agroecosystem.

c) Study and development of bioproducts with agronomic potential, which will make it possible to achieve a substantial improvement in crop productivity and their adaptation to different adverse conditions. Work will also be done on improving more traditional agro-ecological practices, such as crop rotation, increasing pollinators and natural predators for an integrated fight against pests and diseases, natural control of adventitious plants, etc. In addition, it is planned to investigate the biometric and photosynthetic activity of trees and plants, which will allow an assessment of climate change and improvement of the health of plant masses in both agricultural and forestry crops.


Expected Results

  • Develop and maintain sustainable rural and urban environments, linked to efficient and sustainable agricultural and forestry productivity.
  • Implement agroforestry solutions as a sound method to address climate change and its challenges.
  • Research and understand the effects of climate change on forest stands, urban green spaces and agricultural crops in order to develop mitigation strategies.
  • Address the phenomenon of “forest decline” through detailed studies of the causes and effects on forest stands.
  • Investigate the fragility of crops to climate change in order to develop more resilient and profitable agricultural practices.

R&D Line

  • Research on new systems and crop improvement: biological control, adventitious control, plant rotation and association, pest bio-resistance, yield improvement, RNAi and plant genetics strategies and urban agriculture solutions.

Subvención de Apoyo a la inversión para la mejora de las capacidades científicas y tecnológicas de los Centros Tecnológicos de la Comunidad de Castilla y León (2023)

File: 2023 CCTT 06


Total Budget: 124,970€

CARTIF Grant: 62,485€

Duration: 02/10/2023 – 31/05/2024

Co-financed with ERDF funds contributing to the Policy Objective “OP1: A more competitive and smarter Europe, promoting innovative and intelligent economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communication technologies”.



Bárbara Díez Rodríguez

Agrifood and Processes Division


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