Cartographic production based on orthophotos, satellite images and LiDAR
Customized cartography and at different scales from orthophotos, satellite images and LiDAR, using Geographic Information Systems like ArcGIS, QGIS or Global Mapper. Elaboration of custom 2D and 3D planimetry and altimetry, personalized and adapted to the client needs using as base the data already taken from public platforms. The outputs will be maps and cartography at scales 1:500, 1:1000 or 1:2000 in urban environments and 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000 in rural environments.
Our service:
- Recompilation of base information for the development of cartography products from public data sources.
- Custom 2D and 3D planimetry and altimetry considering the specific needs of each client.
- Topographic corrections of geometries, reclassification of LiDAR points, radiometric correction and image orthorectification.
- We integrate planimetry and altimetry analyses to generate derived cartographic products.
- Map generation with the processed information.
Our value:
- We have a large previous experience from our work with geospatial data from public sources for the development of themed territorial cartography, information integration and enrichment of the data model.
Projects of reference:
- Strategy of Adaptation for the Climate Change in Valladolid.
- TEC4ENERPLAN, SunHorizon, CCliMAP & ENERGIS (R&D projects where this knowledge has been applied).