The CO2SMOS project, with the technical and financial coordination of CARTIF, is one year old and to commemorate it, all the partners of the consortium have gathered in person at the facilities of the technology centre in Boecillo (Valladolid, Spain) to hold their...
TREEADS, a large-scale EU Green Deal project, brings together a consortium of 46 partners from 13 European countries and Taiwan, in the fight against wildfires. TREEADS will increase the effectiveness of enhanced sustainable fire and forest management under...
The evolution towards sustainable construction is becoming a real challenge for companies in the sector. To deal with this situation, the PROBONO project, financed by the European Horizon 2020 program and in which CARTIF participates, has emerged, whose goal is to...
Due to the importance of achieving a more sustainable food chain and achieving the transition towards a sustainable food system, IN-PACT project arises, within the framework of Green Deal and the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy. It is a collaborative project between JRC...
Valencia goes on working with the aim of achieving sustainable mobility in the city and, this time, to achieve this goal, it is launching the action “Majors sobre rodes”, or in English “Elderly on wheels”. MAtchUP, the EU project in which CARTIF takes part, launches...
The RethinkAction project, coordinated by CARTIF, has officially started the 1st of October 2021 as part of the Green Deal Research and Innovation Programme, contributing to making EU the first climate-neutral continent. In particular, it proposes a cross-sectoral...