CARTIF, the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE) and the technology centres Ikerlan, Aicia and ITG make up the HySGrid+ network, a Spanish technological alliance that will aim to develop solutions for local energy communities with a positive net balance. The...
CARTIF Technology Centre takes part in a new international initiative, the innovative project TIGON, which is set to demonstrate how direct current microgrids (DC) can help make the European Union’s electricity grids greener, more efficient and more resilient as...
Do you want to show the world what makes rural areas special? Then take part in the RURITAGE Photo Contest! It is a unique opportunity for local communities within the territories of RURITAGE to highlight the potential of their natural and cultural heritage. The Photo...
The conference, presented by the consortium in charge of the project, of which the CARTIF Technology Center is a part, will take place on September 11, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the AEICE Headquarters. The workshop will focus on the different uses of recycled fiberglass...
CARTIF’s Solid Biofuels Analysis and Testing Laboratory has recently renewed and expanded its operational capacity with the acquisition of new analytical equipment, which will allow it to provide its customers a faster and more efficient service in the testing...
CARTIF Technology Centre will take part of BioSFerA project, an international initiative which will seek to produce biofuels for air and maritime use at the lowest cost. BioSFerA is funded by the Horizon 2020 research program of the European Union. The ultimate goal...