The NATMed project consortium has met this week at the Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Andalucía, in Sevilla, to assess the progress of the project and, in particular, of the Spanish Case Study and the status of the...
The InvestCEC project consortium met on February 20 and 21 at the CARTIF Technology Centre to hold its third follow-up meeting. A meeting in which the partners have been able to analyse the latest profess made in the project over the last few months focused on the...
The technology centre CARTIF presents this week in Madrid the project MOBILITIES for EU (New MOBility solutions for climate neutrality in EU cITIES) thath will help the capital of Spain and Dresden (Germany) in their transformation towards climate neutrality, focusing...
CARTIF technology centre has been the venue of the ARISE project kick-off meeting. Members of the organisation that make up the consortium, from different parts of Europe, met to establish the first steps of an initiative designed to strengthen European Industry...
The K-HEALTHinAIR project, led by CARTIF, has published this week an open survey in order to find out the degree of perception and knowledge of this population about indoor air quality. Through this initiative, the aim is to assess the situation and raise awareness of...
The INHERIT project helds its kick-off meeting in Athens on 2 November. About 18 partners of the consortium had been meeting at the Singular Logic facilities, coordinating entity, with the objective of launching a new project, which will promote the sustainability of...