Jul 19, 2023 | Energy Systems, Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects
CARTIF projects ONEPLanET Open source Nexus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa Description ONEPLanET aims at empowering African policy makers, research & academia investors and citizens with the necessary tools and know-how to...
Jul 18, 2023 | Energy Efficiency, Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects
CARTIF Projects BuildON Affordable and digital solutions to Build the next generation of smart buildings Description BuildON aims to develop a generic solution and highly replicable to offer services on buildings, facilitate the integration of their systems and...
Jul 14, 2023 | Energy Efficiency, Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects
CARTIF Projects ENFLATE ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital Technologies Description Energy decarbonisation system is a priority. To achieve this, the penetration of clean energy needs to be facilitated. The ENFLATE...
Jul 13, 2023 | Energy Efficiency, Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects
CARTIF Projects DigiBUILD High quality data driven services for a digital built environment towards a climate-neutral building stock Description DigiBUILD overview is to provide an open, interoperable, cloud-based toolbox to transform buildings from traditional...
Jul 11, 2023 | Energy Systems, Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects
CARTIF Projects THUMBS UP Thermal energy storage solutions to optimally manage Buildings and unlock their grid balancing and flexibility potential Description THUMBS UP project aims to develop and demonstrate thermal energy storage (TES) at daily (based on PCM) and...
Jul 4, 2023 | Horizon Europe, Programmes, Projects, Smart Grid
CARTIF Projects SINNOGENES Storage Innovations for Green Energy Systems Description The European Commission´s Long-Term Strategy describes a number of pathways that reach between 80% and 100% decarbonisation levels. In every pathway a high level of direct and indirect...