cartif projects FREE4LIB Feasible recovery of critical raw materials through a new circular ecosystem for a li-ion battery cross-value chain in Europe. Description FREE4LIB aims to develop at TRL 5-6 technologies to achieve 6 new sustainable and efficient processes to...


cartif projects NEVERMORE New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society. Description NEVERMORE will support excellence in climate research overcoming the current...


cartif projects AEROSOLFD Improve air quality in urban areas Description AEROSOLFD project addresses the challenge of improving poor air quality in urban areas due to the harmful particulate emissions from road transport, especially from exhaust and brake use. The...


cartif projects s-X-AIPI self-X Artificial Intellgence for European Process Industry digital transformation Description The overall objective of s-X-AIPI (self-X Artificial Intelligence for European Process Indsutry digital transformation) is to research, develop,...


CARTIF PROJECTS LASHARE Laser-based Equipment Assessments addresing a broad range of laser applications Description LASHARE is the acronym of an European project involving more than 60 SMEs from across Europe, partners from industry and six of the most renowned laser...