cartif projects BUILTHUB Structured and inclusive reliable data collection approach on the EU building stock. Description BUILTHUB aims to develop a structured and inclusive reliable data collection approach on the EU building stock, as well as an easy to access &...


CARTIF PROJECTS AI REGIO AI-driven Digital Transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs Description TAI REGIO (Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven Digital Transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs, by up-scaling and coordinating different regional smart...


cartif projects frESCO New business models for innovative energy service bundles for residential consumers Description frESCO aims to engage with ESCOs and aggregators and enable the deployment of innovative business models on the basis of novel integrated energy...


CARTIF Projects REVAMP Improve the raw material and energy efficiency of the equipment and processes taking place in metallurgical enterprises. Description The main objective of the project is to develop, adapt and apply new technologies to improve the efficiency in...


cartif projects RURITAGE Rural regeneration through cultural and natural heritage (CNH) Description RURITAGE enables rural regeneration through cultural and natural heritage (CNH). Rural areas in Europe embody unique examples of cultural and natural heritage, which...