CARTIF Projects EMERGE Energy System Modelling for Green Development of Africa Description EMERGE aims to provide African policy makers, academics, investors and citizens with tools and knowledge to increase clean energy and sustainable resource use, reducing cultural...


CARTIF Projects ENPOWER Energy Activated Citizens and Data-Driven Energy-Secure Communities for a Consumer-Centric Energy System Description ENPOWER will design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven methodologies, interactive and closed-loop tools, and data-driven...


CARTIF projects ONEPLanET Open source Nexus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa Description ONEPLanET aims at empowering African policy makers, research & academia investors and citizens with the necessary tools and know-how to...


CARTIF Projects THUMBS UP Thermal energy storage solutions to optimally manage Buildings and unlock their grid balancing and flexibility potential Description THUMBS UP project aims to develop and demonstrate thermal energy storage (TES) at daily (based on PCM) and...


CARTIF Projects PLADEMI Microgrid development platform as a basic energy solution for strategic enclaves in Iberoamerica Description Acces to energy services is of vital importance for the development of a community, especially for those in remote areas with difficult...