CARTIF PROJECTS ECOESION_TOOL Development of a tool based on the Ecoesion model Description The main objective of Ecoesion_tool project is the implementation of a web-based, easy-to-use and user-friendly tool based on the Ecoesion model developed by the University of...


CARTIF PROJECTS MITIGACRYL Determination at the production line acrylamide levels at final product.  Description Control acrylamide levels in processed food means a need for the sector, in particular since the implementation of the Regulation (UE) 2017/2158 to reduce...


CARTIF PROJECTS INPERSO INdustralised and PErsonalised Renovation for Sustainable sOcieties Description INPERSO is a holistic project of deep building renovation (mainly residential and heritage) which addresses all its life cycle and combines industrialization with...


cartif projects FREE4LIB Feasible recovery of critical raw materials through a new circular ecosystem for a li-ion battery cross-value chain in Europe. Description FREE4LIB aims to develop at TRL 5-6 technologies to achieve 6 new sustainable and efficient processes to...


CARTIF Projects SESAMO Design and development of an on-board system for the guided movement assistance service for wardrobe doors. Description The objective of SESAMO is to conceive, design, configure, programme and adapt a system that facilitates and assists the user...


cartif projects NEVERMORE New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society. Description NEVERMORE will support excellence in climate research overcoming the current...