
CARTIF PROJECTS EACC_Extremadura Development of the Extremadura Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change Description The project for the development of the Extremadura Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021-2030 (EACC Extremadura) aims to analyse the...


CARTIF PROJECTS IN-PACT Sustainable Innovation and Innovative practices in the Agri-food supply chain Description IN-PACT (“Sustainable Innovation and Innovative practices in the Agri-food supply chain”) is a financed tender by JRC...


CARTIF PROJECTS ePARCERO Identification of cadastral parcels without current use Description The ePARCERO project will develop an automated prototype that allows the identification of cadastral parcels without current use in demonstrators located in relevant areas of...


CARTIF PROJECTS BD4NRG Big Data for Next Generation Energy Description BD4NRG envisions to confront big data management challenges for the energy sector, giving a competitive edge to the European stakeholders to improve decision making and at the same time to open new...


CARTIF PROJECTS TExTOUR Social innovation and technologies for sustainable growth through participative cultural tourism Description Cultural Tourism (CT) represents about 37% of the tourism sector, with an annual growth of around 15%. This can be capitalized by...


cartif projects TIGON Integration of continuous current smart grids into the actual grid. Description The proliferation of renewable energies and the electric charges that operates with continuous current originates a growing interest in electric grids that operates...