Metabuilding Labs

cartif projects Metabuilding Labs Zero energy, zero emission buildings Description To reach the COP21 goal of nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings MBLabs Labs strives to unleash the innovation potential of the SMEs of the Construction sector by lowering the...


CARTIF PROJECTS CATCO2NVERS Reduce GHG emissions from the Bio-Based Industries  Description CATCO2NVERS will contribute to reduce GHG emissions from the Bio-Based Industries by developing 5 innovative and integrated technologies based on 3 catalytic processes...


CARTIF PROJECTS WalNUT Application of comprehensive and innovative nutrient recovery systems Description WalNUT addresses the current gaps in nutrient cycles of different European waste water treatment systems and their related environmental problems through the...


cartif projects PHENOLEXA Development of benign cascade extractive biorefinery for converting agri-food side streams into high-value polyphenolic bioactives.  Description In the agricultural sector half of residual biomass is wasted and that is used finds its way to...


CARTIF PROJECTS  CIRCTHREAD Unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the product life cycle. Description Circthread´s main objective is to unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the...


 CARTIF Projects FUSILLI Fostering the Urban food System transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation Description FUSILLI Project (Fostering the Urban food System transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation) focuses on supporting...