CARTIF PROJECTS BIOMOTIVE Revolutionizing the car market with biomaterials Description Car manufacturers are currently working to reduce the consumption and increase the autonomy of passenger vehicles. This can be achieved by reducing the weight of the car (10 %...

ELISE Energy Pilot

CARTIF PROJECTS ELISE Energy Pilot Promote a coherent and consistent approach to the sharing and reuse of location data across borders and sectors.  Description The aim of the ELISE action  is to promote a coherent and consistent approach to the sharing and reuse of...


CARTIf projects SO WHAT Integrated software for auditing industrial process, planning and simulation of WH/C Description SO WHAT project, financed by H2020 program, started in May 2019 and aims to develop and validate, through different sector and countries real...


CARTIF PROJECTS SocialRES  Knowledge of social energy alternatives Description The SocialRES Project aims to close non-technological research gaps that impede the widespread uptake of social innovation business and service models in the European energy sector. By...


CARTIF PROJECTS ZEOCAT-3D Conversion of methane, from natural gas and biogas, into aromatic hydrocarbons Description Although the worldwide natural gas reserves are still growing, a high percentage of them are still classified as stranded because shipping gas is...


CARTIF PROJECTS INSITER Eliminate the gaps in quality and energy-performance between design and realization of energy-efficient buildings based on prefabricated components Description INSITER aims to eliminate the gaps in quality and energy-performance between design...