CARTIF PROJECTS LIFE DIOXDETECTOR Revolution in the quantification of PCDDs / PCDFs compared to other techniques. Description The PCDDs/PCDFs emissions have attracted public concerns worldwide due to their environmental toxicities and adverse health...


CARTIF PROJECTS LIFE EUCALYPTUS ENERGY Eucalyptus biomass pyrolysis for the production of electrical energy Description This project involves the pyrolysis of eucalyptus biomass for production of electric energy and biochar. The aim is to make use of residual biomass...


CARTIF PROJECT SHBUILDINGS System of prevention of the degradation that at the same time serves for the integral management of historical buildings Description SHBUIDINGS develops a degradation prevention system that at the same time serves for the complete management...


CARTIF PROJECTS RECALZA Chemical recycling of polyurethane foam waste present in footwear Description In recent years, the generation of waste components of footwear has increased. Therefore, it is proposed to develop a chemical recycling process of the polyurethane...


CARTIF PROJECTS BIOSELENER Development of functional systems for the supply of solid biomass for energy purposes Description Development of functional systems for supply of solid biomass for energy purposes, based on the selective zonal implantation of agroforestry...


CARTIF PROJECTS INFIT Keeping the safety of the entire rail network Description Keeping the safety of the entire rail network and, above all, critical elements such as tunnels, becomes a fundamental and priority objective for the Strategic Plan of Infrastructure and...