r&d programmes

It´s aim is to facilitate the transfer of technology to the companies that participate in the programme, assesoring and mentoring them to incorporate innovations and improvements in their productive processes and in the design of their products and services, in the industrial digitalization and in the comercialization of products and services.
For this reason, will be carried out, diagnostics and customized implementation plan of each company, as of the necessary asses for carrying out the implementations of some actions detected in the Implementation Plan, in the next areas:
I. Innovation in processes and in design of products/services of SMEs
These diagnoses will deal with the degree of innovation of the company in terms of organisation and process management, as well as diagnoses on new product designs, including packaging, and innovation in services, drawing up a personalised Innovation Plan in which the strengths and needs of the companies will be included.
Our advice will focus on identifying the necessary costs and the most appropriate sources of regional, national and international funding.
II. Industrial digitalisation of SMEs (4.0 Industry)
Aimed at SMEs in all sectors to promote digital transformation in their processes, products or business models, introducing a set of digital technologies in order to increase their productivity and competitiveness by connecting people, machines and information systems in real time throughout the value chain.
A prior diagnosis of the initial digital situation of the company will be carried out and a personalised Industrial Digitalisation Plan will be drawn up, which will include the strengths and needs of the companies.
They will have our advice focused on identifying the necessary costs and the most appropriate regional, national and international funding sources.
III. Commercialisation Plans
Carrying out diagnoses on the company’s situation in terms of its marketing and internationalisation strategy.
Drawing up a personalised marketing plan, developing a specific strategy for the actions of the sales and marketing channels.
They will receive advice focused on identifying the necessary costs and the most appropriate regional, national and international sources of financing.
IV. Entrepreneurship
Inside this group there are two types:
IV.I Entrepreneur of technological base
This action is focus to entrepreneurs that doesn´t count with the enough technological capacity to develop their project. It consist on the realisation of a diagnostic and study of the technical feasibility.
IV.II Intrapreneurship programme
The objective of this programme is to increase the offer of innovative products and services which already carry out an activity and which, as a result of the actions deriving from this direct subsidy, identify potential new business units, based in the use of technology.
In any case, it will include the economic quantification of the project and it could give rise to a complementary technology feasibility project.
As a result of each action, it will be elaborate a detailed report for each of the assess companies.