Advancing the circular bio-industry
After four years of work the CO2SMOS project comes to an end and celebrates its achievements!
On 1 April, the project will hold its final conference in Brussels where it will showcase its main results: the CO2-based feedstocks and bioplastics that have been obtained and how they have been achieved, as well as how the knowledge gained on environmental, economic, social and political aspects can boost the deployment of these technologies.
Agenda Final Conference CO2SMOS
9:30-10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-10:15 Opening remarks on biogenic CO2 utilization
10:15-10:45 Three Horizon2020 Projects, one goal: deploying CCU in Europe – Discussion with CATCO2NVERS and VIVALDI Projects; Nicolás Martín, CARTIF, Dulce Muñoz, FUNDITEC, Albert Guisasola,UAB
10:45-13:00 Unfolding the CO2SMOS Project
10:45-11:00 CO2SMOS overview; Nicolás Martin, CARTIF
11:00-12:00 Insights by the end users on CO2SMOS bio-based polymers and materials made from CO2;
Marian Blom, AVANTIUM, Patrizio Salice, NOVAMONT, Andrea Brunetin, NADIR
12:00-12:30 In the pursuit of biomaterials with negative carbon footprints, and keys underlying their potential marketability*; Dimitris Kourkoumpas, CERTH, Giuseppe Minafra, RINA-C
12:30-13:00 Social perception and political aspects shaping the adoption of CO2-based products in the CO2SMOS and VIVALDI projects; Imke Haverkämper, RWTH, Franklin Streichenberger, CVE
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Panel session: linking biogenic CO2 providers and bioplastic manufacturers; Samuele Ambrosetti, BIC, Fabio Poretti, CEWEP, Pablo Molina, EBA
15:00-15:15 Concluding remarks; Nicolás Martín, CARTIF
15:30-16:00 Technology Transfer Workshop*; RINA-C
Registration CO2SMOS Final Conference
Organised by: CO2SMOS
More information: COS2MOS Final Conference