Latests news
LIFE GYSTRA project, that seeks to reduce the emissions of vehicles, ITS 2019 award in the ‘Environment’ category
The LIFE GYSTRA European project, coordinated by CARTIF, has been awarded by ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) Spain for its work in favor of environmental health. The jury of the ITS awards, in its 8th edition, has recognized the effort made by the LIFE GYSTRA...
León welcomes the LIFE NEXUS project, coordinated by CARTIF, which will recover unused energy in the city’s water network
The León City Council and the company Aguas de León, members of the NEXUS project consortium, have presented to the capital of León this innovative initiative, coordinated by the CARTIF Technology Centre and financed by the European LIFE program, which aims to promote...
CARTIF hosts the international meeting of the RURITAGE project on the regeneration of the rural world through Heritage
From March 19 to 22, CARTIF Technology Centre will host a conference that will bring together in Valladolid the consortium of international entities that are part of the RURITAGE project, an initiative that seeks the regeneration of the rural environment through...
The OptEEmAL Solution for Energy Efficient District Retrofitting
The Horizon 2020 funded project celebrated its Final Conference in Valladolid, Spain on 20th February 2019. Project partners presented the achievements of the project and the ultimate solution for the energy efficient retrofitting design at district level. The...
OptEEmAL presents its results at a final conference in Valladolid
After more than three and a half years of work, the OptEEmAL project, for the rehabilitation of districts and buildings to make them more energy efficient, comes to an end and the partners, coordinated by CARTIF, want to present the technological challenges they have...
Main European leaders in Artificial Intelligence start up AI4EU
From the 9 to the 11 of January Barcelona has hosted the launch of AI4EU, an Artificial Intelligence project in European territory that aims to make available to users resources based on this technology that facilitate scientific research and innovation, analyse...