cartif projects


Samples for analysis by flow cytometry (CMF)


The objective of the CytoPrep project is the design and development of an integral solution consisting of new reagents, devices and equipment. Which are part of a new methodology for the preparation of samples for analysis by flow cytometry (CMF).

This new methodology will optimize sample preparation and assays, allowing specific identification in the patient´s blood sample of new markers, both at the cellular level, as at soluble level. These markers will be obtained simultaneously, with better sensitivity and reproducibility.

This innovative methodology will allow a diagnosis to be carried out:

  • More early and personalized.
  • On a wider variety of samples.
  • Minimize human errors.
  • Increase sensitivity, reproducibility and traceability.


  • The development of this stabilizing solution that will allow maintaining protein and genetic expression profiles, in addition to intact cell characteristics during the pre-analytical phase.
  • The development and validation of antibodies against oncogenic markers, fusion proteins and normal differentiation markers.
  • The design and development of a reagent dispensing vial preloaded with reagent and easily integrated into a robotic system.


  • Filing of 3 patents.
  • Presentation of 2 scientific articles related to the results obtained from the application of the methodology.
  • The results will be presented at national congresses related to the subject of automation, robotics applied to rehbailitation, rehabilitation or robotics, such as “the national auto conference”, “CEA bioengineering symposium”, “national robotics conference”…

Expected Results

  • Protein preservation solution development, for analysis by CMF.
  • Development and validation of new AcMo against markers of clinical interest.
  • Design and development of a reagent dispensing vial, for CMF use.
  • Design and development of an automatic system for sample processing and test preparation.


Collaboration Challenges


CARTIF Total Budget: 156.046,96 €
CARTIF grant: 145,600.10 €
Duration: June 2016 – December 2018


Rubén Alonso

Division of Industrial and Digital Systems


Health Projects:



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