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cartif projects

Development of research lines on air-quality and agro-ecological processes


The research lines of AIR QUALITY and AGRO-ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES seek to achieve sustainable solutions to alleviate environmental problems such as poor air quality, urban green regeneration, environmental well-being in cities, management and restoration of urban watersheds, sustainability in the use of resources and energy in cities, conservation of urban ecosystems, carbon sequestration and the development of processes and technologies linked to agronomy in Castilla y León such as soil degradation or the control of pests and diseases.

The environmental well-being of the population has so far been approached as an extra-urban activity, which has caused citizens to move towards natural environments without trying to bring nature closer to the city (re-naturalising cities). Therefore, the use of NBS in cities will make them more comfortable places where people want to live.

The current poor quality of soils (urban and rural), mainly due to overexploitation which generates, among other problems, the loss of organic matter (an endemic problem in all Spanish soils), makes it necessary to search for a solution which, through natural alternatives, will give soils the necessary quality to make them elements that can sustain crops in the region (urban and agroforestry crops).


  • The Air Quality research line will work on advanced natural systems for the purification of gaseous pollutant emissions to improve air quality in urban environments.
  • The research line on Agro-ecological Processes will work on the development of processes, products and technologies linked to agronomy.


  • Air Quality: The aim is to work on new systems of green roofs and façades that allow the filtration and purification of these gaseous pollutant emissions. Through new systems with substrate/microbiota/plant part combinations, these emissions will be filtered to reduce their content in particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen oxides, CO and CO2.

  • Agro-ecology: Research is planned on the productive and functional improvement of crops and soils, as well as their adaptation to climate change, which has led to a drastic reduction in the quality and productivity of the region’s soils.


Expected Results

The Air Quality and Agro-ecological Processes research lines aim to advance existing technologies to tackle rural and urban environmental problems, so that the region of Castilla y León can serve as a pioneering laboratory in the implementation of measures to combat climate change and the deterioration of urban and peri-urban ecosystems and the development of the region’s agricultural sector.


File: 2021 CCTT 07

CARTIF total budget: 128,700.00 €
CARTIF Grant: 64,350.00€

Cofinanced by FEDER founds contributing to the OT1 objective “Promote the technological development, innovation and a quality research” from the FEDER Operative Programme of Castilla y León.


Raúl Sánchez

Division of Agrifood and Processes


CCTT Infrastructures projects:



ICARUS will represent a breakthrough in the research and demonstration of new technologies to upgrade Secondary Raw Materials ensuring similar quality as primary raw materials, of three waste streams to improve circular economy principles in several intensive industries with its implementation in the construction sector

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Innovation in rapid methods for the detection of biomarkers of interest in agri-food, environmental health and biomedicine

Innovation in rapid methods for the detection of biomarkers of interest in agri-food, environmental health and biomedicine

Las líneas de investigación de CARTIF en calidad de aire interior y mejora de la calidad alimentaria buscan ir un paso más allá en las capacidades analíticas y experiencia que se tienen actualmente para trabajar en aplicaciones dentro de los sectores de la salud ambiental, la agroalimentación y la biomedicina.

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