Analyze the influence of climate change on the municipality of Valladolid


The project for the development of the Valladolid Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (EACC Val) aims to analyze the influence of climate change on the municipality of Valladolid, identifying climate risks and vulnerabilities and proposing actions that affect its future climate adaptation in the short, mediumd and long term, under different future emissions scenarios. In addition, during the project, the current state of the municipality and its resilience will be analyzed to improve decision-making. A system for monitoring the proposed measures will also be included. Finally, a collaboration framework wil be established with the rest of the cities of the CENCYL Network inlcuded in the project where the development of this strategy is framed.


  • Evaluate climate impacts in Valladolid according to different scenarios.
  • Define climate risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess the adaptative capacity of the municipality of Valladolid.
  • Define measures and strategic lines of action against climate change.
  • Propose a monitoring system for the proposed actions.
  • Improve the strategic planning of the municipality.


  • Analysis of climate data and regional and/or local climate projections.
  • Assessment of climate risk and vulnerabilities.
  • Assessment and monitoring system of the proposed measures.

Expected Results

  • Climate variables assessment in the short, medium and long term using different emissions scenarios.
  • Climate risk and vulnerabilities in the municipality of Valladolid.
  • Measures and priority lines of action for adaptation to climate change.
  • Assessment and monitoring system of the proposed measures.



Public Tender


Total Budget: 20,031.82 € + IVA
Contribution: 8,012.73€ + IVA
Period: 01/2020 – 06/2020


Iván Ramos

Energy Division


Energy Policy Projects:



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