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CARTIF Projects

Efficient recovery of metals from spent EV batteries


The project focuses on the recovery of critical metals present in the cathode of spent electric vehicle battery cells, through a more environmentally sustainable process, for their future reintroduction into the value chain. These processes are based on hydrometallurgy and direct recycling.



    • Study recycling processes, such as direct recycling and leaching.
    • Efficient recovery of critical metals from spent lithium-ion batteries.
    • Characterisation of the materials, in order to subsequently determine the efficiency of the applied process.

Expected Results

In the coming years, the number of electric vehicles on the road is expected to increase. Electromobility, whether focused on electric vehicles, scooters, bicycles or scooters, always uses one or more electric motors to propel itself and receives electricity via a grid connection and stores it in batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have been recognised as one of the most practical and commercially viable battery types for electromobility. However, the use of Lithium-Ion batteries involves the use of critical raw materials such as Lithium, Graphite or Cobalt, among others, which results in a value chain dependence on extractive mining and certain mineral sources outside Europe. This is why the European Union is considering strategies to reduce dependence on these metals. In this sense, one of the alternatives is to be able to recover strategic metals from products that have reached the end of their useful life, as could be the case of electric vehicle batteries. Therefore, favouring the development of lithium-ion battery treatment processes that allow circularity to be achieved, i.e., valorising the input flows with a product of global interest for the manufacture of more environmentally sustainable batteries, is one of the most interesting options to consider in order to promote battery recycling processes, and therefore the circularity of the process, at national level, and thus not depend on other mineral sources outside Europe, to obtain raw materials for the manufacture of batteries. At regional level, Castilla y León is one of the Autonomous Communities with the highest vehicle production at national level, being one of the main powers in the automotive sector. It could thus become an ideal geographical area for the installation of plants for the recovery of critical materials from spent lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles. Today, there is no simple solution for the recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries, as the design of the complex materials is constantly improving. In addition, it is necessary to promote the circular economy in critical raw materials, as discussed above, as their availability is essential for the implementation of the Green Transition.

R&D Line

  • Research on metal recovery processes from batteries, brine, electronic and other waste streams and equipment.

,Subvención de Apoyo a la inversión para la mejora de las capacidades científicas y tecnológicas de los Centros Tecnológicos de la Comunidad de Castilla y León (2023)

File: 2023 CCTT 04


Total Budget: 130,000€

CARTIF Grant: 65.000€

Duration: 02/10/2023 – 31/05/2024

Co-financed with ERDF funds contributing to the Policy Objective “OP1: A more competitive and smarter Europe, promoting innovative and intelligent economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communication technologies”.



Marta Gómez Rincón

Division of Agrifood and Processes


Other projects:



S4UG is a feasibility study that pretends to demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of the services based on the observation of the Earth that addresses the design, planification and management of the urban green infrastructure.

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K-HEALTHinAIR busca evaluar la calidad del aire interior en 9 diferentes escenarios representativos a nivel europeo en base a una campaña de monitorización de parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos. El estudio se llevará a cabo en 5 pilotos diferentes distribuidos por toda Europa: Barcelona, Rotterdam, Baden-Wurtemberg, Polonia/Austria y Noruega.

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The overall objective of s-X-AIPI (self-X Artificial Intelligence for European Process Indsutry digital transformation) is to research, develop, test and experiment an innovative toolset of custom trustworthy self-X AI technologies and applications.

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SUPERA project is based on increasing and improving the knowledge of the mechanisms of action of RNAi in the framework of plant health, thus boosting agricultural productivity and environmentally friendly forest health. Environmental RNAi refers to the uptake of RNAs from the environment that can induce systemic gene silencing in the organism.

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PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe is the unique european Hub (DIH) in photonic that integrates the best technologies, facilities and knowledge in photonics as well as the experience of 53 partners of all Europe. The result is the creation of a unique window that offers a huge variety of support resources for industry to accelerate the integration of photonic in its products and processes.

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DAMPERDOOR looks to develop a competitive system and of high benefits for sliding doors in furniture sector. These features aim for a self-controlled closure, independent of the excessive force that a user may bring to the closing action, thus avoiding shocks and with the ability to complete the travel to a full and accurate closure.

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The 5R Network, Cervera network in Robotic technologies for intelligent manufacturing, has as its mission to establish a collaborative network, equipped with the necessary technology, tools and infrastructures to act as a driving force for the development and introduction of new robotic technologies in the industrial fabric.

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E-MINE is a research and development project that seeks to implement the electric vehicle in mining environment authomatizing the management of charges and the estimation of capacities according to the metheorological conditions and charge needs of each vehicle according to the work to be carried out.

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Frontsh1p will contribute to further the green transition in the Polish region of Lódzkie. A region that on the one hand, traditionally heavily relies on coal extraction, and on the other hand, has pioneered circular (bio)economy since the early 2000s. The region has always been in the forefront of innovation and has become one of the leading regions in the field of circular economy.

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SRURAL aims to investigate and advance in recognized disruptive technologies (cognitive computing, edge computing and dynamic geo-information), in addition to demonstrate their application in our natural spaces and their extensive cultural heritage (cultural landscapes as a whole), in such a way that causes a real transformation of the territory providing practical ways of proceeding with management

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NetZeroCities recognisses the need for cities to develop specific strategies that are tailores to suit local and regional contexts, and will support them by aggregated and co-desgined services and thematic expertise through a one-stop-shop platform accessible to all cities through an online portal (Mission Platform)

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Hydro4U demonstrates innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower (SHP) potential in Central Asia (CA). The project will consider future climate change and transboundary challenges and will integrate them into the Water/Food/Energy/Climate nexus.

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IN-PACT will study the sustainable innovation and innovative practices among the agri-food supply chain in the european union, to respond to how we are in the transition trend towards a more sustainable food system.

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TExTOUR mobilizes 18 partners, represented in the quintuple social innovation helix (knowledge, business, society, government and entrepeneurs) to co-design, validate and upscale to various levels, policies and strategies with positive impact on the socio-economic territorial development based on cultural tourism.

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The proliferation of renewable energies and the electric charges that operates with continuous current originates a growing interest in electric grids that operates with continuous current. This is due to the higher efficiency, security, flexibility and feasability that grids have than those ones that operates with alternate current.

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Metabuilding Labs

Metabuilding Labs

To reach the COP21 goal of nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings MBLabs Labs strives to unleash the innovation potential of the SMEs of the Construction sector by lowering the entry barriers to test innovative solutions in a network of testing facilities in RTOs and Living Labs in 13 countries

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Reduce GHG emissions from the Bio-Based Industries by developing 5 innovative and integrated technologies based on 3catalytic processes. It will transform waste CO2 from 2 bio-based industries into 5 added-value chemicals: glyoxylic acid, lactic acid, furan dicarboxylic methyl ester…

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WalNUT addresses the current gaps in nutrient cycles of differnt European waste water treatmetn systems and their related environmental problems through the application of comprehensive and innovative nutrient recovery systems, by interlinking three fundamental main drivers.

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Agricultural side streams-olives, wine, chicory and onions- are rich in bioactive compounds (BAC) and have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Their full potential has yet to be realised, due to a lack of technologies that preserve the complexity and functionality of these BAC.

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The main objective of the project is to unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the product life cycle. Circthread will enable to capture and share both data and CE decisions as part of a collaborative information infrastructure, providing a Circular product chain of cusotdy.

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FUSILLI project focuses on supporting cities to facilitate their transition towards more sustainable food systems, in line with Food2030 priorities. Combines the expertise of 34 partners from 13 countries including cities, universities, SMEs, NGOs and industries.

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The main objective of I-NERGY is to deliver an energy specific open modular frameork for supporting AI-on-demand in the energy sector.
I-NERGY contributes significantly to achieve a techno-economic optimal mangement of the EPES (Electric Power & Energy Services)

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frESCO aims to engage with ESCOs and aggregators and enable the deployment of innovative business models on the basis of novel integrated energy service bundles that properly combine and remunerate local flexibility for optimizing local energy performance both in the form of energy efficiency and demand side management.

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