Ambient intelligence ecosystem for the support of long-term care at home using social bots


EIAROB project has as main objective promote the autonomy and quality life of elder and dependent people. The project is articulated in 3 axes:

  1. The first axe consists on the development of an environmental intelligence system for the support of independent life, that will monitore and supervise the user activities to establish recommendations and alerts. Social robots will be incorporated as support element fot user for the development of activities.

  2. Another axe of the projects is the development of mecatronic and robotic solutions for the care of elderly. Solutions will be developed for home-based care and travel support.

  3. The thrid axe consists on the development of an experimental observatory of robotics for the independent life in Castilla and Leon.


  • Promote the autonomy and life quality of dependent elderly, both in their houses such as in cohabitation units in residential centres.
  • Prevent risk situations and the aggravation of dependency.
  • To facilitate the work of the professionals in charge of your care.
  • To reduce the economic costs associated with caring for people with disabilities or dependency.


  • Project coordination.
  • Integration of social robots as support elements for residents.
  • Development of a system that offers care services, therapy, entertainment, physic stimulation and acces to remote help.
  • Development of robotic systems for support and movement of the person in the home, wheelchair assistance and manipulation support.
  • Development of an experimental observatory of robotic for independet life in Castilla and Leon.

R&D Line

  • Development of digital enablers to improve Socio-Assistencial processes.


Innovation Projects GSS-Next Gen


Total Budget: 4.000.000€

CARTIF Budget: 2.899.999,99€

CARTIF Financing: 2.899.999,99€

Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023


David Garcia

Industrial and Digital Systems Division


Helath Projects:



The objective is to develop a new generation of Socio-Bio-Cooperative robotic devices based on haptic technology combined with the novel Socio-Bio-Cooperative control approach to robotic systems, which proposes to use the biophysical signals of the users to adapt their reaction to the user’s state.

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PROCURA aims at the realisation of two innovative social and health care solutions for active ageing and independent living, going beyond the current specifications available on the market and allowing the piloting of innovative technologies in the experimental environment of a living lab.

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