ELISE Energy Pilot

Promote a coherent and consistent approach to the sharing and reuse of location data across borders and sectors. 


The aim of the ELISE action  is to promote a coherent and consistent approach to the sharing and reuse of location data across borders and sectors, suporting Better Regulation goals in terms of EU policy and the Digital Single Market strategy in the digital transformation of public services.

ELISE includes also pilot activities to demonstrating the feasibility and the benefits of interoperable solutions built on the principles of the European Directive 2007/2/EC, establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE).

One of ELISE´s pilots, the Energy Pilot, aims at showing that accurate and interoperable geospatial information can lower the barriers faced by public authorities, businesses and citizens involved at various levels in the energy policies´lifecycle.


  • Perform a comparative analysis of different methodologies and datasets for energy performance labelling of buildings.
  • Analyse the smart management of public lighting.
  • Generate scale-up methodologies at different scales for energy efficiency and energy performance assessments.
  • Support regional energy strategies.
  • Harmonisation of datasets containing Energy Performance Certificates of buildings.


  • Define a methodology to verify results of energy performance simulations to assess energy performance labels of buildings.
  • Analyse scale-up methodologies of energy efficiency and consumption information based on real data.
  • Propose methodologies to support regional energy strategies based on INSPIRE, in particular, Castilla y León regional energy efficiency strategy.
  • Designa common data model for EU of Energy Performance Certificates and test it in Castilla y León.

Expected Results

  • Contrasted methodology for the energy performance labelling of buildings.
  • European methodology for public lighting smart management.
  • Methodology for the scale-up of energy information base on real data analysis.
  • Methodology for the support of regional energy strategies.
  • Energy Performance Certificate´harmonized data model basen on INSPIRE.


JRC Collaboration Agreement

No. 35361

Duration: May 2019 – May 2021


Gema Hernández Moral

Division of Energy


Energy Policy Projects:



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