BRIDGE Networking Event
BRIDGE General Assembly
The next BRIDGE General Assembly will present the latest developments of the initiative.
It will be the occasion to present the latest activities by the BRIDGE Working Groups and Task Fources during the last period. InterConnect partners will be participating, as speakers, on the 3rd of March, in the plenary session about “EV Eergy Flexibility” and in the para llel session “Data Management”. This is an opoortunity strengthen the collaboration between projects and discuss about future BRIDGE topics in 2021.
BRIDGE General Assembly participants will also have the chance to discover the new BRDIGE projects and hear about the results and lessons learned from ended projects.
BRIDGE Networking Event will take place Online on 3rd of March between 16.30 – 17.30 (Brussels time)
Organize: Glen Dimplez, RINA and EASE form the Muse Grids project
More information: shay.omalley@glendimplex.com