[Builthub] Supporting building stock transformation and a circular economy

BuiltHub 2º Workshop

The BuiltHub project seeks to develop a roadmap to continuously enhance the data needed to decide on building-related policy and business through a data platform and community of stakeholders. The event will treat themes as the value of machine-learning methods for data prediction and construction & demolition waste data analysis for a circular economy.

In this second workshop for the BuiltHub project, participants will see an update of the BuiltHub data platform, gain insight into the data collected thus far. The BuiltHub platform should be a valuable resource for all users, which is why during this workshop the needs and values of users will be strongly considered. This idea of co-creating the platform is what we believe will be an important factor for its success.

The workshop will be organised in two parts. First, a plenary will set the stage and update about the project. Second, attendees will participate in two workshop sessions to get to know and discuss:

  • machine-learning methods to predict building data;
  • available construction & demolition waste data


Organize: Builthub

More info: Builthub


May 25 2022


10:45 am