[InvestCeC] Foatering Replication and Policy Change

Fostering replication and policy change – Unlocking funding for circular economy initiatives in regions and cities

The InvestCEC project is organising a webinar as part of its webinar series, designed to explore how to establish a supportive policy framework for the circular economy in various local contexts. Drawing on insights from several EU projects, including InvestCEC, HOOP and Circular Invest, this session will focus on practical solutions to foster the uptake of the circular economy in regions and cities.

This webinar will delve into recommendations aimed at unlocking funding for circular economy projects. It will analyse the regulatory, market, social and technological barriers that hinder the scaling up and replication of circular economy models, and discuss strategies to overcome these challenges. By sharing lessons learned from successful EU initiatives, participants will gain ideas for replicating success in their own regions and cities.


  • Speaker TBC – City of Klagenfurt’s vision for the Circular Economy – Plans and Ongoing Activities
  • Elisa Gambuzzi (Senior Project Manager, CETENMA) – Towards capital seek: regulatory considerations and HOOP lessons learnt on the achievement of a successful project development assistance
  • Lorenzo Valeriani (Senior Project Manager, META Group) – How to Increase Circular Economy initiatives’ investors readiness: Insights from Circular Invest project
  • Giorgio Alessandro (Project Manager, Greenovate! Europe) –  Unlocking Funding for Circular Economy Initiatives focusing on the InvestCEC case
  • Q&A session



More information: InvestCeC webinar


Dec 05 2024