Processes4Planet Forum
Projects and Hubs innovating for climate and circularity
On 9 June, members of the SPIRE/Processes4Planet projects association, the European Commission, NGOs, representatives of other associations and initiatives and research organisations, among others, will take part in a forum organised by Processes4Planet projects.
This workshop aims to bring together stakeholders from the ongoing Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) Public-Private Partnership projects and the Co-programmed Processes4Plaet Partnership projects funded through calls of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021.
In this forum, projects will be encouraged to explore potential synergies, collaboration, and cross-fertilization of results. It will also create the opportunity to introduce projects outputs to the .SPIRE Community and will highlight their contribution to the Processes4Planet ambitions of climate neutrality, circularity and competitiveness of the process industry.
Our partners Aníbal Reñones and Cristina Vega will participate in this forum, presenting CAPRI project.
13:30 – 13:50 Setting the scene
13:50 – 14:30 Green Investments for Accelerating the Transition (panel discussion)
14:30 -15:30 Projects and Hubs4Circularity Forum
15:30 -15:50 Networking
15:50 – 16:50 Projects and Hubs4Circularity Forum
16:50 – 17:35 Towards a European Community of Practice
17:35 – 17:50 Projects and H4CS role in Procesees4Planet
17:50 Closing