[SunHorizon] Final Conference
Suncoupled innovative heat pumps
Marking the culmination of five years of dedicated work, the final conference of the SunHorizon project will be developed on 27th September at the Brussels Marriott Hotel Grand Palace in Brussels. SunHorizon aimed to demonstrate TRL7 innovative heat pump and solar panel solutions for efficient heating and cooling of buildings, resulting in reduced CO2 emissions and enhanced energy independence.
This event will serve as an opportunity to present the results of the work carried out, outlining the projects´ exploitation strategy, and unveiling the next steps for the future beyond the project.
SunHorizon Final Conference Agenda
9:30 – 9:40 Welcoming participants
9:40 – 9:50 SunHorizon Project Overview by Serena Scotton, Rina Consulting s.p.a.
9:50 – 10:10 Heat Pump Applications in Tertiary Buildings: Insights and Innovations
- HAPPENING (HeAt PumPs in existing multi-family buildings for achieving union’s ENergy and envIroNmental Goals), by Irantzu Urkola and Jon Iturralde, TECNALIA
- Superhomes2030 (Up scaling integrated Home Deep renovation services for Ireland), by Irene Egea Saiz, EHPA
10:10 –10:50 Monitoring outcomes, KPIs and lessons learned from the Demo-Sites
- 10:10 – 10:25 Monitoring outcomes and KPIs by Carolina Pastor, CARTIF
- 10:25 – 10:40 Lessons learned in the Madrid, Sant Cugat and Riga demo-sites
- Lessons learned in Madrid by Diego Romera, Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y el Suelo
- Lessons learned in Sant Cugat by Gerard Riba, Ajuntament de Sant Cugat
- Lessons learned in Riga by Zane Broka, Riga Technical University
- 10:40 – 10:50 Coupling solar technologies with heat pumps in building applications: Conclusion by David Chèze, CEA
10:50 –11:20 Coffee break
11:20-11:30 Smart user Interface and the role of self-learning in the SunHorizon Platform, Dimitrios Ntimos, IES
11:30- 11:40 Maximizing the Potential of SunHorizon: an Exploitation strategy by Sílvia Jané, Veolia
11:40 – 11:50 Policy Overview by Jozefien Vanbecelaere, EHPA
11:50 – 12:00 Closing remarks and closing of the event by Serena Scotton, Rina Consulting s.p.a.
SunHorizon Final Congress registration
More info: SunHorizon Final Congress