Webinar- Smart Buildings: Meet EU innovators SmartBuilt4EU

Pitching 10 eu-funded projects

Buildings need to transform from passive isolated elements to energy-efficient and smart-grid ready buildings, able to act as active nodes well integrated to the energy grids and other infrastructures, while answering occupants needs.

A number of EU funded projects is currently developing and testing solutions that will push further the smart readiness of buildings and their interactions with the environment.

This webinar gives you the opportunity to meet 10 of those projects and discuss theri key innovations. Among these projects we can find 2 Cartif´s projects: REMOURBAN and frESCO

The webinar is organised by the SmartBuilt4EU project, an EC-funded project that aims to support the innovation ecosystem in the smart building value chain through concrete networking and communication actions.


12.00 – 12.07 SmartBuilt4EU; Alexis David 

12.07 – 12.10 Intro of pitches; Karine Laffont-Eloire

12.10 – 12.15 DR-ROB;Sander Smir

12.15 – 12.20 frESCO; Juan Antonio Aranda

12.20 – 12.25 BuiltHub; Ulrich Filippi

12.25 – 12.30 Chess Setup; Victor Martínez

12.30 – 12.35 Plural; Maria Founti

12.35 – 12.40 domOS; Dominique Gabioud

12.40 – 12.45 REMOURBAN; Cristina de Torre Minguela

12.45 – 12.50 Homes4Life; Silvia Urra Uriarte

12.50 – 12.55 4RinEU; Roberto Lollini

12.55 – 13.00 HEART; Claudio del Pero

13.00 – 13.15 Q&A


Organize: SmarBuilt4EU

More Information: karine.laffont@dowel.eu (Karine Laffont-Eloire)


Feb 25 2021


12:00 am - 1:15 pm