Workshop on Innovative Solutions Applied to Bioeconomy
Next April 8th, CARTIF organise an online workshop on innovative solutions applied to bioeconomy. This workshop is developed in the framework of the project INBEC, financed by the cooperation programme INTERREG V-A España-Portugal.
The INBEC project aims to identify existing resources and agents it the Circular Bio-Economy sector in the field of cross-border regions and to promote the development of R&D%I projects, favoring the generation of knowledge and development of biotechnological solutions for their incorporation into the regional market and industry, in order to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The aim of the workshop is to promote the different innovative solutions that can be applied into the market and industry with the objective of enhance the circular bioeconomy in CyL and Portugal.
Workshop Programme
10:15 Welcome Attendees
10:30 INBEC project Presentation “Circular Bio-economy. Boost and development of a sustainable economy through the innovation and the business cooperation” – PEDRO ACEBES (Researcher at CARTIF)
11:00 “Innovative solutions for the redcution of food waste” – INÉS ECHEVERRÍA GOÑI (R&D&i CNTA Director)
11:30 “Innovative solutions applied to Bioeconomy on the Agrofood Industry” – ALFREDO RODRIGO SEÑER (AINIA Environment Researcher)
12:00 “Innovative technological solutions for promoting bio-baed industry in Europe” – ANA MARTÍNEZ and MIGUEL GALLARDO (Sustainable Innovatios)
12:30 ” Innovative technologies in water purification and sustainable production of bioethanol” – ANA LORENZO HERNANDO (Researcher at CARTIF)
13:00 Debate – Moderate GREGORIO ANTOLÍN (Agrofood and Porcesses Divison Director at CARTIF) The speakers will answer to the questions of the attendees.
14:15 Workshop Closing
Organize: Technology Centre CARTIF
More information: marriv@cartif.es (Marta Rivera, Communication Responsible at CARTIF)
pedace@cartif.es (Pedro Acebes, Researcher at CARTIF)