Experimental pelletizing tests in pilot plant
Today, biomass is presented as the renewable energy resource with the greatest potential for use, and must play a fundamental role in the energy transition process in our country.
In an emerging biomass market such as the Spanish, biomass pelletizing constitutes the most mature technology available for its energy use, and allows the production of pellets from different biomasses, in search of certain characteristics, in compliance with the quality system for wood pellets ENplus®.
Our service:
- We characterize biomass as fuel according to European quality systems and we study its pelletizing process, from its prior conditioning to the finished product.
- We make intelligent pellets from different biomasses, looking for characteristics that optimize their quality
Our value:
- CARTIF has a Biomass Pelletizing Pilot Plant (200 kg/h), equipped with biomass conditioning, dosing and treatment systems.
- CARTIF Analysis and Testing Laboratory has ENAC accreditation (UNE-EN ISO 17225) for testing solid biofuels..