30 years turning technological solutions
into innovation for businesses
Research areas
CARTIF, first Spanish Technology Centre with Natural Based Solutions Laboratory
CARTIF launches its Nature-Based Solutions Laboratory (NBS-Lab), thus becoming the first Spanish...
ALGAECAN creates a sewage treatment system with algae pioneer in Europe
The LIFE ALGAECAN project, led by CARTIF, is successfully testing a wastewater purification system...
CARTIF Fundations obtains AIRBUS ‘MERIT’ rating
The CARTIF Technology Centre has recently obtained the MERIT rating by the aeronautical...
“The lighthouses have been built, we now need to cast our light towards other cities”
After 5 years of work, the European REMOURBAN project, coordinated by the CARTIF Technology Centre...
CARTIF hosts the launch meeting of the TALENT european project
The new European project TALENT has already started. The launch meeting of this initiative led by...
CARTIF participates in the Life Landfill Biofuel project, which will generate fuel from landfill biogas
The European Commission has approved the development of the European Life Landfill Biofuel...