Keeping the safety of the entire rail network
Keeping the safety of the entire rail network and, above all, critical elements such as tunnels, becomes a fundamental and priority objective for the Strategic Plan of Infrastructure and Transport (PEIT). For this, the potential causes of problems must be detected, usually cracks and fissures, and their growth must be controlled. Current evaluation systems are slow, subjective and unreliable.
In INFIT, automatic data capture systems have been developed to obtain an accurate and objective image of the tunnel surface. New tools have been developed that are capable of detecting, classifying and monitoring the cracks and fissures that may appear, as well as a system for the prevention of potential risks that may affect the integrity of tunnels, users and workers.
- The development of a new railway tunnel inspection system based on the integration of image acquisition devices and active lighting equipment capable of highlighting fissures or cracks.
- The development of detection algorithms to facilitate the location and measurement of size and orientation of cracks and fissures that may jeopardize the integrity of the tunnel.
- The implementation of monitoring tools that allow the evaluation of the growth of defects detected through analysis and comparison of successive periodic inspections.
- Analysis and specification of the technical requirements of the tools for inspection, detection and tracking of cracks and fissures.
- Development of a crack inspection prototype, designing its architecture, synchronizing the acquisition devices and manufacturing the platform.
- Technologies and methods of detection, measurement and tracking of fissures using image processing algorithms.
- Integration, prototype validation and demonstration of the complete system in real environments.
Expected results
- An inspection system of 100% of the surface of the tunnel through the use of linear cameras with a resolution per pixel between 1- 0.25 mm2.
- Crack detection algorithms for the location and determination of size and position of cracks and fissures.
- Tracking tool that automatically, accurately and objectively evaluates the growth of the cracks detected by algorithms for comparing successive inspections and automatically generates monitoring reports.
INFIT: IPT-2012-0980-370000
Presupuesto total: 620.006,75 €
Contribución 206.289,70 €
Duración: 24 meses: Octubre 2012 – Octubre 2014
Roberto Medina Aparicio
Divison of Industrial and Digital Systems
Cultural and natural heritage projects:
TExTOUR mobilizes 18 partners, represented in the quintuple social innovation helix (knowledge, business, society, government and entrepeneurs) to co-design, validate and upscale to various levels, policies and strategies with positive impact on the socio-economic territorial development based on cultural tourism.
Green light to the District Heating of the SmartEnCity Project in Vitoria (Spain)
The District Heating boiler and hot water service installed in Coronación neighbourhood in Vitoria has already been put into operation, within the framework of the European SmartEnCity project. While the final phase of deployment of this heat network progresses, the...
The proliferation of renewable energies and the electric charges that operates with continuous current originates a growing interest in electric grids that operates with continuous current. This is due to the higher efficiency, security, flexibility and feasability that grids have than those ones that operates with alternate current.
Metabuilding Labs
To reach the COP21 goal of nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings MBLabs Labs strives to unleash the innovation potential of the SMEs of the Construction sector by lowering the entry barriers to test innovative solutions in a network of testing facilities in RTOs and Living Labs in 13 countries
NUTRIMAN Project develops an informative platform about biofertilizers at the service of Agriculture
NUTRIMAN project is based on innovative biological fertilizers from the recovery of Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Thanks to this objective, the project has developed a free online platform about nutrient recycling technologies for both chemical elements, which has 81...
Monitoring of environmental variables for sustainable management of the territory and its natural resources
Technological Offer Monitoring of environmental variables for sustainable management of the territory and its natural resources Description We select and measure territorial and environmental variables for efficient and sustainable management of natural resources in...
CARTIF takes part in the event ‘From positive energy district to climate neutral cities’ and signs a new version of Lighthouse Projects Collaboration Manifesto
The director of Smart Cities Area in CARTIF and mySMARTLife Project Coordinator, Rubén García Pajares, takes part today in the cycle of conference under the title ‘From positive energy districts to climate-neutral cities’, organized by SCALE and the Community of...
Reduce GHG emissions from the Bio-Based Industries by developing 5 innovative and integrated technologies based on 3catalytic processes. It will transform waste CO2 from 2 bio-based industries into 5 added-value chemicals: glyoxylic acid, lactic acid, furan dicarboxylic methyl ester…
WalNUT addresses the current gaps in nutrient cycles of differnt European waste water treatmetn systems and their related environmental problems through the application of comprehensive and innovative nutrient recovery systems, by interlinking three fundamental main drivers.
Agricultural side streams-olives, wine, chicory and onions- are rich in bioactive compounds (BAC) and have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Their full potential has yet to be realised, due to a lack of technologies that preserve the complexity and functionality of these BAC.
The main objective of the project is to unlock access to product data and use it for enhanced CE decision making across the product life cycle. Circthread will enable to capture and share both data and CE decisions as part of a collaborative information infrastructure, providing a Circular product chain of cusotdy.
FUSILLI project focuses on supporting cities to facilitate their transition towards more sustainable food systems, in line with Food2030 priorities. Combines the expertise of 34 partners from 13 countries including cities, universities, SMEs, NGOs and industries.
Converting CO2 emissions from bio-based industries into sustainable chemicals to mitigate climate change, the objective of the CO2SMOS project
The chemical industry is one of the most energy and CO2 intensive sectors globally. To reach climatetargets, this sector needs to accelerate the transition towards non-fossil, sustainable and more circularand efficient resources. Bio-based industries (BBIs) go in that...
LIFE GySTRA project, about sustainable mobility, organizes its latest workshop to show its achievements
LIFE GySTRA project, coordinated by CARTIF, comes to an end and celebrates a final online event as a clause to its three years of work. The conference will take place on June 28 and will review all the progress achieved. With the aim of reducing emissions from road...
URBAN GreenUP takes part in the Good Practices Handbook that evaluates the impact of Nature Based Solutions of 17 European projects
The rise of urban areas in several corners of our planet is a growing problem that affects both the environment and the citizens. This new way of life, with a much lower density of nature and green spaces and quite far from rural areas, which have more vegetation and...
CATCO2NVERS, a project that seeks to reduce greenhouse gases in the Bio-based industries
CATCO2NVERS kicks off, a new project funded within the framework of the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme that seeks to create value-added chemical products from bio industrial CO2 emissions that integrate catalytic technologies. The main...
I-NERGY project launches its community of artificial intelligent in the energy future
I-NERGY project, funded by the European programme Horizon 2020, lunches I-NERGY Community: a new collaborative area ready to connect partners, companies and workers of the energy sector who want know more and share experience about AI implemented in this sector and...
0e-MISION project outlines a more sustainable energy future, with combustion energy installations without chimneys that are capable of producing electrical and thermal energy at any scale, in a clean, safe, efficient way and more cheap.
Pyrolysis Rotary Drum Pilot Plant
Technological offer Pyrolysis Rotatory Drum Pilot Plant Description The plant consists of a discontinuous rotary reactor heated by an electric furnace that allows temperatures of up to 900ºC to be reached. The reactor capacity is 120 L (useful volume ∼ 40L). The...
The main objective of I-NERGY is to deliver an energy specific open modular frameork for supporting AI-on-demand in the energy sector.
I-NERGY contributes significantly to achieve a techno-economic optimal mangement of the EPES (Electric Power & Energy Services)
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
TECHNOLOGICAL OFFER Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)Description The main objective of the Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality team is to take detailed environmental pictures of products, processes and services with a life cycle perspective and using the Life Cycle...
EnergyChain goal is to use Blockchain to develop a system that will support the energy exchange between prosumers without the need of a central entity in charge of the managing.
LocalRES project will put renewable energy into the hands of communities and people
LocalRES is beginning with its kick-off meeting on-line on the 5th and 6th of May. This EU-funded project, chaired by CARTIF, will be running for the next four years and aims at deploying innovative local energy systems, driven by renewable energy communities...
Alcobendas starts its pilot plan to evaluate the pollution emissions of the vehicles in LIFE GYsTRA project framework
LIFE GYsTRA project, led by CARTIF, starts its pilot plan, in collaboration with the Mobility Council of municipality of Alcobendas (Madrid) and MásMóvil, in this town to evaluate the traffic emissions central district and the outputs 16 and 17 of A-1, and communicate...
The application of Nature Based Solutions from LIFE myBUILDINGisGREEN project has just started in Badajoz
Pre-scholar and primary school (CEIP) Gabriel de Solana de los Barros, located in Badajoz (Spain), has just started with the implementation of Nature Based Solutions in its facilities, which lets them to reduce the negative effects of the climate changes. These works...
Europe takes a leap into the future of remote-sensing technologies with NEMO project
The NEMO Consortium is organising an online press-meeting next March 26 to share key development news on a uniquely European solution for monitoring air pollution and noise emission from vehicles in real-time. The aim of the initiative is to protect our most...
BUILTHUB aims to develop a strctured and inclusive reliable data collection approach on the EU building stock, as well as an easy to access & use datahub, in the shape of a strctured web-based platform.
AI REGIO project aims at supporting AI-driven Digital Transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs, by up-scaling and coordinating different regional smart specialization strategies, by integrating DMPs and DIHs.
frESCO aims to engage with ESCOs and aggregators and enable the deployment of innovative business models on the basis of novel integrated energy service bundles that properly combine and remunerate local flexibility for optimizing local energy performance both in the form of energy efficiency and demand side management.
The main objective is to develop, adapt and apply new technologies to improve the efficiency in the use of raw materials and energy of processes that take place on metallurgy industries.
RURITAGE enables rural regeneration through cultural and natural heritage (CNH). Has selected 13 rural areas as Role Models, i.e. successful cases regenerated thanks to CNH in 6 Systematic Innovation Areas.
The URBAN GreenUP project, led by CARTIF, holds its eight periodic meeting after four years of efforts
Valladolid, a demosite city of this Nature Based Solutions project together with Liverpool (United Kingdom) and Izmir (Turkey), is the protagonist in the eight meeting of the initiative in which all project partners are gathered this week after four years of...
CARTIF and DAM organize a workshop on innovative technologies for obtaining biofertilizers
CARTIF organizes, in collaboration with DAM (Mediterranean Water Treatment) the workshop ‘Innovative technologies for obtaining biofertilizers: an opportunity for the sector’, which will be held online through Teams platform on March 12. This workshop arises within...
TExTOUR Project will design policies based on Cultural Tourism to help European economy
TExTOUR project celebrated its launch this week with an online meeting in which the consortium, made up of 18 European partners, have taken part. This project, based on cultural tourism strategies to support the socio-economic policies of the participating countries,...
FUSILLI, the new project led by CARTIF, will achieve a more resilient food system
The new CARTIF project of food sector, FUSILLI, has begun today in its Kick off meeting with its 34 European partners. The main goal of this project will be to support participating European cities, and their main peri-urban areas, in the exchange of knowledge and...
From blackwater and biowaste to clean energy
The Spanish Technological Centre CARTIF has completed a study on gas-liquid membrane technology for biogas upgrading. The goal is to produce clean biogas by using the absorption solution to increase CH4 content and stored in inflatable and impermeable fabrics. The...
DELOREAN aims to obtain new raw materials from the treatment of waste generated in a critical sector in the región, the automotive industry. The three wastes investigated (tires, lubricating oils and polypropylene) are generated in high quantities and their polluting nature makes it necessary to develop new ways for their management and use.
The “COLOR” project is a collaborative business initiative aimed at providing solutions to one of the most important needs of the food sector today: the reduction of acrylamide in industrially processed foods.
First workshop of the TALENT project, which seeks to facilitate and cheapen the managing of the electronic system
The TALENT project is preparing a workshop for next December 17 on the main objectives and achievements of the project so far, emphasizing the benefits that the solutions proposed for greater flexibility can bring to the grid and to the acceleration of the energy...
LIFE REFIBRE Project presents its final results in its 5th online workshop
The consortium of LIFE REFIBRE Project, represented by CARTIF, ICCL, Grupo INCOSA, BLASGÓN and SAN GREGORIO, will offer next Thursday, December 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. a workshop with streaming broadcasting in which it will present the final results of this...
PROCURA aims at the realisation of two innovative social and health care solutions for active ageing and independent living, going beyond the current specifications available on the market and allowing the piloting of innovative technologies in the experimental environment of a living lab.
Application of new technologies on the development of a nutritionally improved iberian bacon. Reducing the sodium content in the formulation and limiting nitrites/nitrates.
The IOTEC Project offers an online ‘matchmaking’ oriented to the agro-industrial sector
On October 21, a 'matchmaking' event took place within the framework of the project "IOTEC - Development of technological capacities around the industrial application of the Internet of Things (IoT)", applied in the agro-industrial context and which had the...
CARTIF participates in AI REGIO Project, an alliance for the digitization of SMEs through Artificial Intelligence
CARTIF and 35 other partners from 8 European countries have kick-started the EU-funded AI REGIO project with an online meeting with more than sixty participants in October 9. This initiative, which will have an initial duration of 3 years, has the mission of helping...
The European Project LowUP closes the curtain with its final conference
After 4 years of intense research, development and innovation efforts, the LowUP project holds its final conference. The event will be on Friday, October 30 and will take place online due to the current pandemic situation. This international initiative, with the...
The Auto-DAN project aims to enable homes and small businesses across the EU to optimize their energy consumption and provide and assessment of the live energy performance of a building. The solution will focus on the assistive role automation will have in buildings.
LowUP will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will reduce CO2 emission and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling account for 50% of the EU´s annual energy consumption.
The objective of the Cervera HySGRID+ network is to strengthen the technological capacity of Spanish Technology Centres with a high level of complementarity and promote their solid cooperation with the ultimate aim of researching and developing new technological solutions that facilitate the creation of local energy positive balance communities (LEPC)