Keeping the safety of the entire rail network


Keeping the safety of the entire rail network and, above all, critical elements such as tunnels, becomes a fundamental and priority objective for the Strategic Plan of Infrastructure and Transport (PEIT). For this, the potential causes of problems must be detected, usually cracks and fissures, and their growth must be controlled. Current evaluation systems are slow, subjective and unreliable.

In INFIT, automatic data capture systems have been developed to obtain an accurate and objective image of the tunnel surface. New tools have been developed that are capable of detecting, classifying and monitoring the cracks and fissures that may appear, as well as a system for the prevention of potential risks that may affect the integrity of tunnels, users and workers.


    • The development of a new railway tunnel inspection system based on the integration of image acquisition devices and active lighting equipment capable of highlighting fissures or cracks.
    • The development of detection algorithms to facilitate the location and measurement of size and orientation of cracks and fissures that may jeopardize the integrity of the tunnel.
    • The implementation of monitoring tools that allow the evaluation of the growth of defects detected through analysis and comparison of successive periodic inspections.



    • Analysis and specification of the technical requirements of the tools for inspection, detection and tracking of cracks and fissures.
    • Development of a crack inspection prototype, designing its architecture, synchronizing the acquisition devices and manufacturing the platform.
    • Technologies and methods of detection, measurement and tracking of fissures using image processing algorithms.
    • Integration, prototype validation and demonstration of the complete system in real environments.

    Expected results

    • An inspection system of 100% of the surface of the tunnel through the use of linear cameras with a resolution per pixel between 1- 0.25 mm2.
    • Crack detection algorithms for the location and determination of size and position of cracks and fissures.
    • Tracking tool that automatically, accurately and objectively evaluates the growth of the cracks detected by algorithms for comparing successive inspections and automatically generates monitoring reports.


    INNPACTO 2012

    INFIT: IPT-2012-0980-370000

    Presupuesto total: 620.006,75 €
    Contribución 206.289,70 €
    Duración: 24 meses: Octubre 2012 – Octubre 2014


    Roberto Medina Aparicio

    Divison of Industrial and Digital Systems


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