From the 9 to the 11 of January Barcelona has hosted the launch of AI4EU, an Artificial Intelligence project in European territory that aims to make available to users resources based on this technology that facilitate scientific research and innovation, analyse future research needs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and create an observatory of ethics that ensures an AI focused on human being. CARTIF is one of the entities in charge of developing this initiative whose ultimate objective is to encourage all the countries of the European Union to invest resources and efforts in AI for the benefit of society.
Framed in the Horizon 2020 program and with an investment by the European Commission of 20 million euros, AI4EU lasts 36 months and brings together 79 advanced research centers and large companies in the sector from 21 countries across the continent who have committed to carry out the following guidelines:
• Build a sustainable Open AI
On-Demand-Platform to make available expertise, knowledge, algorithms
and tools to all user from all sectors.
• Bring all stakeholder together by organizing 14 local community events in 14 different countries.
• Position the European AI stage as a leader thanks to an AI fully embedded in human values and ethics.
• Fill important technologies gaps and boots AI innovation, through
dedicated research, innovations and scale up start efforts, to reinforce
European excellence and leading position worldwide in major AI research
and applications domains.
• Draw a strong and comprehensive Strategic Agenda for European AI research based on the community multiple works.
will participate mainly in the elaboration of the EU Strategic Research
Agenda for AI. Specifically CARTIF will collect, analyse and integrate
road-mapping activities of important EU initiatives given its membership
and active participation in BDVA, EFFRA and euRobotics. In addition,
CARTIF will identify opportunity areas and filling technology gaps
driven by end-user needs, based on our hands-on experience on real AI