Meating Plants

Explore new vegetable protein sources 


This project aims to explore new vegetable protein sources, mainly native legume species from Castilla y León region which, together with the inclsuion of agri-food by-products and by means of using technologies such extrusion cooking and texturization (through cooling-dye device), allow the generation of innovative and alternative -to-meat products with nutritional, functional and improved organoleptic characteristics. 

It is also intended during the prooject to increase the knowlege of each partner in raw materials, processes and products and, put them in value for the development of a “clean label”, additives free meat analogue product that also contributes to the reductionnof food waste under the Circular Economy premises.


  • Foster the use of regional alternative legumes and the cultivation of local varieties.
  • Increase knowledge in the correlation between the growing conditions of legumes with the physical-chemical, nutritional and functional properties of plant-based products.
  • Increase the use of agri-food by -products and low-value vegetables as raw materials. 
  • Investigate on the impact of extrusion cooking and texturization technology variables and the effect on the quality of protein.
  • To obtain a range of meat-analogues products with high quality.


The planned activities will be addressed in four different phases:

  • Phase 1: raw materials will be selected and evaluated to develop high quality meat analogues. 
  • Phase 2: technological processes will be applied to the formulations generated from the selected raw materials. 
  • Phase 3: the changes in the protein characteristics under the technology conditions, the quality of the plant based products obtained and the functionality of the ingredients will be analyzed.
  • Phase 4: prototyping of products with a target market orientation. 

Resultados esperados

  • Increase the knowledge about the influence of the use of extrusion cooking and texturization (cool-dye) technologies on different vegetable raw materials.
  • Generate new meat-analogues products from plant proteinisolates with close-to-meat nutritional
  • Determine and select the optimal conditions for preparing meat snslogues from alternative vegetable protein. 
  • Obtain a flow chart with all the specifications of the production operations.
  • Offer a range of products within the concept of “plant based” prodcuts from vegetable protein sources other than soy and native from Castilla y León region.


R&D projects in collaboration with CCTT and Companies


Total Budget CARTIF: 940,794.04 €
CARTIF Grant: 874,938.46 €
Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/12/2022

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María Ysabel Piñero

Agrifood and Processes Division


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