New landfill exploitation techniques to improve biogas production and facilitate waste gas recovery


The OPTIRAIL project (“Development of a Smart Framework based on Knowledge to Support Infrastructure Maintenance decision in Railway networks”) developed a comprehensive tool, based on Fuzzy and Computational Intelligent techniques, to manage all the elements that are relevant for track maintenance, predicting future conservations needs with optimal allocations of resources.

CARTIF assumes the technical coordination of the project and leads the development of work packages dedicated to conceptual design of the tool and dissemination. In addition, CARTIF participates in other work packages applying Computational Intelligence techniques to the domain of railway infrastructure maintenance.


    • Develop new smart tools that will help to optimize railway maintenance operations ensuring higher railway availability, better cross-border coordination and improved efficiency.
    • Ensure a more effective planning of the management and activities of infrastructure maintenance based on expert knowledge accumulated over years of experience and to the information stored in the monitoring and maintenance management systems.


    • Analyse specifications and requirements for efficient, reliable and sustainable maintenance of the railway systems.
    • Analyse transferability of concepts, ideas and solutions from other sectors.
    • Design and validate smart and collaborative tools based on fuzzy logic that become decision support.
    • Demonstrate usability of the project outcomes on existing rail network.
    • Define synergies and best practices between the cross-border networks.

    Expected results

    • Open smart framework based on knowledge for maintenance management to facilitate effective and efficient making decision in maintenance of railway networks.

    • Methodologies for infrastructure deterioration and maintenance decisions modelling: expert knowledge and data from monitoring systems modelled in order to take advantage of these organizational assets.

    • Knowledge based tool focused on Fuzzy Logic and Computational Intelligence techniques developed and validated in two case studies.


    Video presentation of the project


    Grant Agreement No. 314031

    Overall budget: € 3.916.343,40
    Contribution: € 2.700.000,00
    Duration: 1-Oct-2012 to 30-Sep-2015


    Marta Galende

    Division of Industrial and Digital Systems


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