Other International

CYTED: The Latinamerican Programme of Science and Technology for Development has several instruments that mobilize Latinamerican entrepreneurs, researchers and experts and allow them to train and generate joint research, development and innovation projects.
EUROSTARS: Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by research and development- performing small- and medium-sized enterprises. With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Eurostars has been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of SMEs.
CARTIF participation
Given CARTIF’s capabilities in the different stages of the R&D and Innovation process, we can participate in a wide variety of financing programmes, from those that co-finance the first stages of research, to those that do so on further developments close to the market.o Given CARTIF’s capabilities in the different stages of the R&D and Innovation process, we can participate in a wide variety of financing programmes, from those that co-finance the first stages of research, to those that do so on further developments close to the market.o
CYTED: 25 participaded projects, 16 leaded. 1,2 M€
EUROSTARS: 2 participated projects
Some figures
Leading projects
Projects executed

Pedro Mª Caballero
R&D Programmes Department
Related projects
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AgriGenomics Hub
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The CITyFiED European project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program, aims to develop an integrated strategy to adapt existing cities to more sustainable and smart cities.