Investment in S&T Scientific and Technological Capacities 

R&D Programmes

R&D Programmes

Scientific and technological capabilities


The Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) of Castilla y León for the period 2021-2027, is conceived as an instrument to increase the competitiveness of the activities in which Castilla y León is specialised, not only betting on its digital and ecological transition, but also taking advantage of digitalisation, decarbonisation and sustainability demanded at European and global level as niches of opportunity, without losing the hallmark of identity of Castilla y León. All this, under the premise of developing the scientific and technological potential of the innovation ecosystem of the Community, taking advantage of the existing capacities and developing those others that are required to address the economic and social challenges through the collaboration of public and private agents, with an international perspective.

In line with the RIS3 Strategy of Castilla y León, the aim is to boost the scientific and technological capabilities of the Technology Centres based in Castilla y León and thereby contribute to improving the competitiveness of the business fabric of the Community, especially SMEs, through knowledge and support for their various technological needs.

The purpose of this line of subsidies is to support the Technology Centres of the Community of Castilla y León to carry out investments in research infrastructures, thus strengthening their technological and scientific capacities, improving their positioning and at the same time reinforcing their transfer and support activities for the business fabric.

The subsidies, framed in this order, are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), whose new programming framework is the ERDF Programme 2021-2027 of Castilla y León approved by Decision C(2022) 9470 of 12 December 2022.


CARTIF participation

CARTIF has been participating in this call since 2021, obtaining funding for 13 of the 15 projects submitted so far. In the 2023 call, the projects approved focus on the following topics:

  • Study of the mechanical behaviour of recycled composite from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.
  • Efficient recovery of metals from spent electric vehicle batteries.
  • Integral recovery of plastic and bioplastic waste for the sustainable production of renewable gases and bioproducts: an advanced focus on the bioeconomy and biodegradability. PROBIO project.
  • Agrigenomics and next generation sequencing technologies.
  • Incorporation of new equipment and processes to improve the advanced digital manufacturing laboratory.
  • Study of the use of alternative protein sources from agro-industrial by-products.


Thematic blocks:

It doesn´t exist any restriction about sector or technology to develop.

Grant to support investment for the improvement of the scientific and technological capacities of the Technology Centres of the Community of Castilla y León (2023).

Co-financed with ERDF funds contributing to the Policy Objective “OP1: A more competitive and smarter Europe, promoting innovative and intelligent economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communication technologies”.


Irene Hompanera Velasco

Irene Hompanera Velasco

Programs Department

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