Energy and Climate Policy
Urban Strategies

Energy and Climate Policy
We support public authorities when implementing energy and climate policies, defining and/or evaluating urban and territorial planning strategies as well as developing tools that guide them during the decision-making process.
How? We use and exploit geo-referenced information in public bases, in order to develop GIS maps to carry out geolocated studies with various levels of detail, for the evaluation of climatic and energy parameters, as well as the potential use of the territory.
The development of integrated assesment models (IAM) allows us to advance in the definition and evaluation of climate and energy policies for a better territorial planning at national and European level.
Research Lines
- Research and development of integrated evaluation models for the support at the definition of policies in climate change and energy transition matter.
- Development of advance climate services for the support at the definition and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation strategies.
- Development of advanced climate services for multi-scale energy planning (building or region) taking into account climate change.
- Hernández, Bustillo, E; Álvarez, S. CCliMAP – Cambio Climático: Mitigación y Adaptación desde el Planeamiento. IX CIOT 2019 Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio (9th International Congress for Spatial Planning. ISSN: 2386-6993 (0911-0911).
- Ramos, I; Ferreras, N; Serna, V; Hernández, G; Álvarez, S; Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Planning tool (CCMA-Planning). An integrated diagnosis tool for land use planning evaluation. 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, 2019. ISBN: 9789075524628.
- Hernández, G; Serna, V; Massa, G. Valmaseda, C. ENERGIS: Tool For Demand Characterisation In Urban Settings To Support Energy Planning At Different Scales. Cool Planning: Changing Climate and our Urban Future – 54th ISOCARP Congress 2018. ISBN: 978-94-90354-54-1.
- Hernández, G; Serna, V; Massa, G. Valmaseda, C. Energy planning support with geomapping tool and energy demand estimation: THE ENERGIS PLATFORM. The Eighth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies. ENERGY 2018. ISBN: 978-1-61208-635-4.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., de Blas, I., Nieto, J., de Castro, C., Miguel, L.J., Mediavilla M., Carpintero, Ó., Fernando Lobejón, L., Ferreras-Alonso, N., Rodrigo, P., Frechoso, F., Álvarez Antelo, D, Lomas,, P., Parrado Hernando, G. “MEDEAS-World: a new IAM framework integrating biophysical and socioeconomic constraints.” Conference: 11th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC 2018) At: Sevilla (Spain).
Reference clients:

Ali Vasallo Belver
Head of Energy Division

Estefanía Vallejo Ortega
Head of Energy and Climate Policy Area
Related projects
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PACES Logroño
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