SAGIT: Advanced production management system
We have developed a production management system customizable to the customer needs.
Our service:
SAGIT is made up of two Modules that are budgeted separately:
- SAGIT PROD – Production management system module
- SAGIT FACT – Auxiliary module (SAGIT PROD have to be previously installed) Developed by APLIFISA
Our value:
- SAGIT is a comprehensive management system aimed to the data capture and monitoring of plant production. It is specially designed for production processes with many manual operations
Projects of reference:
- SAGIT has more than 12 years of evolution at CARTIF, in which it has been adapted and implemented in numerous companies: Huercasa, Bodegas Emina, La Iscariense, Dulca, Acompor, Quesos Hinojosa, destilerías Panizo.