cartif projects
Exchange information between households appliances
In this project the Internet of Things, Social Networks and Intelligent Systems converge. It is about creating a protocol by which household appliances can exchange information on use and results and learn from it to achieve more efficient operations.
A simple social network has been proposed in which the user, without advanced knowledge, introduces their case and presents their finals results. Thus, a large database is created with each case, the conditions that have been adopted and the level of final user satisfaction.
CARTIF works on the application of Computational Intelligence and also on the creation of a space to demonstrate the results. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate the usefulness of this type of techniques in a particular case such as the handling of household appliances.
Research project that uses the homework scenario to experiece an IoT network.
- Infrastructure that allows devices in the home to speak to a middleware where the user can create recipes.
- Knowledge management environment where the user interacts with a social network to issue what we call recipes, which are adjusted through cognitive processes: user feedback and shared knowledge on the network.
Experience the future of the human-centered Internet: users are the owners of the rules that operate things. As members of a social network, they share information to improve together.
- At local level, integrate devices in the network.
- Globally, integrate thousands of devices in a single network.
- From an abstract perspective, 1 and 2 constitute the infrastructure where IoT and IoP merge (user community).
Expected Results
- Development of the infrastructure for the user to communicate with their household appliances. The user contributes his experience and his degree of satisfaction with the executed recipe to a social network that learns from his opinions and proposes new recipes according to his tastes.
- CARTIF hosts a demosntrator with electrical appliances connected to the network. Carrying out experiments to nurture the social network, and validate the results of the algorithms provided by the recipes.
FP7 European Project 2012-2013
Total Budget: 2,020,765 €
Contribution: 1,449,662 €
Duration: November 2012 – November 2015

Sergio Saludes Rodil
Division of Industrial and Digital Systems
Health Projects:
The objective is to develop a new generation of Socio-Bio-Cooperative robotic devices based on haptic technology combined with the novel Socio-Bio-Cooperative control approach to robotic systems, which proposes to use the biophysical signals of the users to adapt their reaction to the user’s state.
CARTIF PROJECTS EIAROBAmbient intelligence ecosystem for the support of long-term care at home using social botsDescriptionEIAROB project has as main objective promote the autonomy and quality life of elder and dependent people. The project is articulated in 3 axes:...
PROCURA aims at the realisation of two innovative social and health care solutions for active ageing and independent living, going beyond the current specifications available on the market and allowing the piloting of innovative technologies in the experimental environment of a living lab.
IDET is an innovative project aimet at creating a set of technologies that backbone an integrated development environment that facilitates the creation of rehabilitation therapies for robotic systems.
At AIROSO Project, progress will be made in integrating robotics into society, progressing in two directions: the coexistence of social robots with older people and human-robot interaction using robotic heads.
The objective of the CytoPrep project is the design and development of an integral solution consisting of new reagents, devices and equipment. Which are part of a new methodolody for the preparation of samples for analysisi by flow cytometry (CMF).
The main objective of SHAREM is to design, develop and validate a modular and configurable robotic system, for the realization of rehabilitation, habilitation or stimulation therapies of the upper limbs.
E2REBOT is based on the integrated appplication of a wide spectrum of technologies for movement control and force interaction: mechatronics, virtual reality, haptic control, interfaces and bio-feedback.
The SOLUCII project generate a technical advance that allows the development of an innovative support system for the comprehensive analysis of patients in intensive care units with support for medical decisions based on ICTs.