Analysis of patients in intensive care units


The monitoring and life support equipment connected to a patient admitted to an ICU generate a large volume of information on the evolution of their vital signs. This information is very useful when it is properly recorded and processed for the development of indicators that allow better monitoring the evolution and diagnosis of its condition. These computers have a limited information storage capacity (24 to 48 hours) and this information may be lost.

The SOLUCII project (RTC-2015-4514-1) seeks to end this problem through a technical advance that allows the development of an innovative support system for the comprehensive analysis of patients in intensive care units with support for medical decisions based on ICTs.



  • Develop a set of technologies that can be easily exploited in other departmental solutions and are associated with the treatment of a wide range of pathologies.
  • Manage and centralize information from various information devices and systems in order to overcome the limitations of current procedures and significantly improve the quality of care that the patient receives in the intensive care unit.


  • Implement a system that takes into account the international standards HL7, OPEN EHR, CEN13606, CDA, Dicom, Arden syntax and x73 for the control of communications and interoperability between medical devices and other information systems, supporting the execution of a set of complex IT solutions.

Expected results

  • This project has managed to make a tool available to ICU teams based on the requirements set by the service staff (both doctors and nursing staff) and therefore adapted to their needs, modular and interoperable with other information systems ( for example: Clinical Information Systems or Image Transmission and Storage Systems – PACS: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems).



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Total budget: 621,872 €
CARTIF Grant: 538,417 €
Duration: 2015-2017


Alejandro Cuadrado de la Oza

Industrial and Digital Systems Division


Health projects:



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