CARTIF Projects

Study of the mechanical behaviour of recycled composite from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.


In Spain there are 1203 wind farms installed in 807 municipalities with more than 20,940 wind turbines. The blades of these wind turbines have an average lifespan of about 20 years and once they have reached this point they are destined for landfill.

Recycled materials from aeroplanes and wind turbine blades can be used in the manufacture of car interiors, bicycles, surfboards, canoes, etc., thus providing a productive use for this material. The recycling of the blades is complex because they are made of composite materials (glass or carbon fibre and resins) and wood, which once separated can lose their resistant properties. Wind turbine blades have approximately 64% fibreglass in their composition, which at the end of its useful life can be recycled to reduce its presence in landfills and thus give it a second life cycle. This action will increase knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of recycled materials from the aeronautical industry and wind turbine blades.



  • Acquire equipment to improve knowledge of materials from recycling.
  • Further study of composite materials from the recycling of aeroplanes and wind turbine blades.
  • Study of the results obtained and preparation of a technical report to disseminate the results in different media.
  • Advise clients depending on the results obtained in the analyses carried out.

Expected Results

This action will make it possible to:

  • Precise the mechanical behaviour and useful life of aeronautical parts, a service in great demand by the sector’s industries.
  • Reduce the delivery time of results, thus obtaining economies of scale and acquiring new capabilities that generate value in companies in the region related to the manufacture and recycling of composite materials (with carbon fibre or glass fibre).
  • To deepen some of the lines of research being carried out in the different areas of the centre.

Subvención de Apoyo a la inversión para la mejora de las capacidades científicas y tecnológicas de los Centros Tecnológicos de la Comunidad de Castilla y León (2023)

File: 2023 CCTT 02


Total Budget: 75,000€

CARTIF Grant: 37.,00€

Duration: 02/10/2023 – 31/05/2024

Co-financed with ERDF funds contributing to the Policy Objective “OP1: A more competitive and smarter Europe, promoting innovative and intelligent economic transformation and regional connectivity to information and communication technologies”.



Anabel Elisa Ruiz

Technical Laboratory Manager


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