CARTIF Projects
Study of the use of alternative protein sources from agro-industrial by-products.
Proteins are one of the essential macronutrients in the diet that are facing a foreseeable shortage due to the strong demand that exists to cover the needs of the coming population. In order to meet this demand, as well as the quality requirements that must be met, new sources of protein need to be incorporated into the diet and processing methods need to be developed to make it easier to obtain and consume. Among the many solutions proposed for this so-called protein transition, the search for new, more sustainable protein sources and the use of technology to make the most of existing resources and use them in a more sustainable way are valued.
As part of its strategy of using technologies to improve the use of alternative sources and the possibility of recovering the value of by-products, the Centre is working on the valorisation of components of the by-product matrix generated during processing and how the use of technologies such as extrusion can help to increase their applicability. In addition, the Centre has been working since the beginning of the Area’s activity on the development of healthier foods by reformulating existing foods, substituting alternative raw materials of greater nutritional value in food formulation and applying processes that promote the increased use of less conventional ingredients and by-products.
The research line aims to increase the extractability of protein sources and other compounds of nutritional interest, naturally present in by-products generated in the transformation processes of the food industry, through the use of “green technologies” of pre-treatment such as extrusion, which allows the transformation of the components of the material to increase its subsequent applicability.
This line includes the need to include equipment that allows the characterisation and quantification of parameters that define the properties of ingredients and finished products at a higher level than conventional chemical determinations. SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and RVA (Rapid Viscosity Analyser) equipment can contribute significantly to the characterisation of extruded proteins by providing valuable information on the structure, characterisation of particle size and morphology, composition, functional and rheological properties of the extracted proteins.
- Acquisition and commissioning of new equipment.
- Identification and improvement of alternative protein sources for incorporation into healthier and more sustainable foods.
- Study of the application of pre-treatment processes as methods for extracting and modifying proteins and other nutrients from agri-food by-products.
- Study of the techno-functional properties of raw materials from valorisation and evaluation of their application to the development of healthy and sustainable foods.
Expected Results
- It will further deepen the knowledge of the starting material by being able to know exactly how the processes affect the molecular structure and thus how they affect the techno-functional properties to the benefit or detriment of identifying new applications for the development of new products.
- Obtaining protein sources from the valorisation of by-products creates an opportunity to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. It will be possible to identify and quantify the effectiveness of these processes and of the extracted proteins to be used as new ingredients without harming the environment.
- A beneficial impact on health, associated with digestibility and amino acid composition, is expected from the way these proteins are extracted, associated with the knowledge that will be established of the process parameters during extraction and the determination of the properties by means of the equipment that is the subject of this investment.
- The aim is to increase the added value of natural resources such as the by-products generated by the usual activity of the food industry to be used as a source of new ingredients, thus closing the production cycles and helping to minimise the impact of food waste.
R&D Line
- Research into the use of new protein sources and application of innovative technologies for modifying the techno-functional properties of ingredients and obtaining new food products.
Belén Blanco Espeso
Division of Agrifood and Processes
Other projects:
Obtain a innovative technical process that allows the production of high quality ecological fertilisers based on struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H20) and ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4), extracting the useful nutrients from digestates.
CARTIF Projects CRONUSCapture and Reuse Of biogenic gases for Negative-emission-sustainable biofUelSDescriptionIn the current context of environmental sustainability, the EU-funded CRONUS project will pave the way for bioenergy, which is key resource for the...
ELLIPSE project will address the valorisation of two heterogeneous wa
PLADEMI aims to develop a tool that allows the dimensioning of energy microgrids, including and analysing social aspects as key elements in their development.
IAM COMPACT supports the assessment of global climate goals, progress, and feasibility space, and the design of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and policy planning beyond 2030 for major emitters and non-high-income countries.
PREDICTIVOdB seeks to develop an innovative solution for the maintenance of wind farms that is quick to implement and has low energy and economic requirements.
PISTIS brings forward a reference federated data sharing/trading and monetisation platform for secure, trusted and controlled exchange and usage of proprietary data assets and data-driven intelligence.
ASCEND aims to accelerate the implementation of Positive Clean Energy Districts (PCEDs) for the transformation of cities towards climate neutrality and social justice in Europe. To this end, Ascend will carry out the following measures.
CO2SMOS project propose an innovative solution to develop new technologies based on processes for the conversion of biogenic CO2 and renewable raw materials into high value-added (bio)chemical products for chemistry sector and bio-based industries.
Contribution to the substitution of fossil fuels by biofuels to help reduce global warming.
CARTIF projects Contribution to the substitution of fossil fuels by biofuels to help reduce global warmingDescriptionBiofuels offer greater energy security, lower greenhouse gas and particulate matter emissions, rural development, better vehicle performance and a...
Renewable hydrogen and natural gas production and storage
The project focuses on the development of an integrated process for the production of green hydrogen and hydrogen carrier molecules (energy carriers) for use as renewable fuels to replace current fossil fuels.
Sustainable process for the efficient recovery of metals from wasted electric vehicle batteries
Recovery of metal oxides present in the cathode of electric vehicle battery cells by means of hydrometallurgical and direct recycling processes.
Innovation in rapid methods for the detection of biomarkers of interest in agri-food, environmental health and biomedicine
Las líneas de investigación de CARTIF en calidad de aire interior y mejora de la calidad alimentaria buscan ir un paso más allá en las capacidades analíticas y experiencia que se tienen actualmente para trabajar en aplicaciones dentro de los sectores de la salud ambiental, la agroalimentación y la biomedicina.
HUMAIN focuses on industrial research and the creation of synergies in two use cases of complex production processes: Vertical enabling technologies and boosting these technologies by using AI, IIoT and machine vision.
The objective is to develop a new generation of Socio-Bio-Cooperative robotic devices based on haptic technology combined with the novel Socio-Bio-Cooperative control approach to robotic systems, which proposes to use the biophysical signals of the users to adapt their reaction to the user’s state.
BUILDSPACE aims to couple terrestrial data from buildings with aerial imaging from drones equipped with thermal cameras and location annotated data from satellite services to deliver innovative services for the building and urban stakeholders and support informed decision making towards energy-efficient buildings and climate resilient cities.
The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demosntrate a socially-just transititon to climate resilience. Based on cross-sectoral roadmaps developed together with regional stakeholders.
The main objective of MATRYCS is to define and deploy a Reference Architecture for Buildings Data exchange, management and real-time processing, and to translate this reference architecture into an Open, Cloud-based Data Analytics Toolbox. It will enable AI-based cross-sector analytics for smart energy-efficient buildings, based on seamless data-information-knowledge exchange under respective sovereignty and regulatory principles.
CERFlex project consist on research in development and TIC solutions implementation moods that help to the deployment in a new concept of energy communities, especially focus on rural environment, facilitating a decentralized management of the energy interchange, the maximum utilisation of the renewable resources and a sustainable consume of the available resources.
AGISTIN will enable industrial users to rapidly deploy renewable energy through advanced integration of innovative energy storage technologies. The rapid decarbonisation of industry through electrification, the growth of renewables and the need for grid stability represents a unique opportunity for new forms of storage and schemes for grid integration.
PROBONO brings together a European multidisciplinary consortium of 47 partners, to turn the six European districts into Green Building Neighbourhoods, with positive energy balance and zero carbon emissions: two large-scale demonstrators and four living labs representing business/owner promoters of the green buildings and neighbourhoods transition.
SUPERSHINE project is based on the renvoation of 3 pilot lighthouse districts focusing on the needs of the social housing inhabitants and on social assets generating high social capital and cohesion.
The main objective of this propoal is the development of a process technique and economically viable ans sustainable by the integration of technologies (HTC, pyrogasification, biological methanation, reforming) for the conversión of biomass and residues, both dry and with a high content in humidity, in green methane and green hydrogen
The project has as main objective to quantify the impact of the massive deployment of autonomous and connected mobility solutions in Europe through the development of a tool based in systems dynamic that will be build as of citizens and organizations perceptions collected in co-creation activities.
TERA_RED aims to generate technical scientific knowledge on very low temperature networks. These networks, also called anergy, neutral or 5G networks, have been studied by applying the scientific method on a laboratory scale, both virtual and experimental.
StarConnexion aims to lay the scientific and technological foundations for the application of Artificial Intelligence in quality management in long steel mills based on all possible variables that affect the final quality of the product.
H2METAMO focuses on the development of compact and efficient plants for the generation of hydrogen carrier molecules. It has two main lines: one to generate methane and one to produce ammonia.
GARNOVA born as a response to gorwing cosumer demand for healthier snacks. Sugggests the development of a new range of innovative snacks, elaborated as of healthy, functional and with high content in essential macro and micronutrients.
NEUTRALPATH has an objective to demonstrate the deployment of clean and positive energy districts (PCED) designed through participative processes focused on the citizen and that contributes significantly to the transformation of cities towards climate-neutrality at the time horizon 2030.
ADCONTROL is a project that focuses on implementing asset monitoring and control architectures to manage the comfort of dwellings that are part of condominiums or neighbourhoods.
CIRAWA will boost the implementation of agro-ecology in West Africa, thus facilitating the transition to a more sustainable food system.
CARNIQUS aims to respond to the current needs of the meat sector in terms of meticulous control of those parameters directly involved in the deterioration of its products.
The general objective of the REBELION project is to obtain an innovative technical process in the C&L region for the recovery of materials present in lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles at the end of their useful life.
NOVACARNI project aims to contribute to the production of a new meat food with a lower environmental impact, in order to promote the production of healthier and more environmentally friendly food.
CARTIF PROJECTS EIAROBAmbient intelligence ecosystem for the support of long-term care at home using social botsDescriptionEIAROB project has as main objective promote the autonomy and quality life of elder and dependent people. The project is articulated in 3 axes:...
GEDERA is a research project whose objective is the study and development of a multi-agent architecture that allows the development of applications for the smart grid, focusing the project on the management of flexibility in buildings.
WoodLi project focuses on the development of bioadhesives for use in the manufacture of wood-based panels used, among others, in the construction sector. The bioadhesive of the WoodLi project will differ from commercial adhesives in that it will be of renewable origin and will not present toxicity problems
INTELIFER consists of the optimisation of the process and products of a granulated NPK fertiliser manufacturing line with the support of Artificial Intelligence.
The PUSH2HEAT project works on the development and demonstration of waste heat revalorisation technologies in industry, revalorising heat in a temperature range of 90-160ºC.
InvestCEC will develop a pelicable model to implement circular economy projects in cities and regions of all Europe, taking into account all the interested relevant parts.
REHOUSE project has as main objective the development and demonstration, up to TRL7, of 8 renovation innovative technologies packages, designed for covering a wide range of building renovation actions, allowing overcome the actual barriers that makes the renovation rates in Europe being low.
The general objective of ECLOSION is the research and development of new solutions at a pilot plant scale at a laboratory level for the generation, management and usage of green hydrogen and biomethane using bioresidues as abundant resources of quality in a stable and affordable mode.
The main objective of Ecoesion_tool project is the implementation of a web-based, easy-to-use and user-friendly tool based on the Ecoesion model developed by the University of PISA (UNIPI)
MITIGACRYL has as objective develop a quick and precise analytic method for the determination at the production line of the acrylamide levels through mid-near infrared technologies.
INPERSO is a holistic project of deep renovation of buildings that address all its life cycle and combines industrialization and customization. INPERSO will integrate new technological components that joint with pre-manufacturing advantages, preintegration and 3D printing robotic will reduce drastically time and costs of the construction.
The aim of FREE4LIB is to develop a TRL 5-6 level technologies to reach 6 new sustainable and efficient processes to recycle li-batteries at the end of their life cycle.
Design, configure, programme and adapt a system that facilitates and assists the user in their relationship with the cabinet doors.
NEVERMORE will support excellence in climate research overcoming the current approach in evaluating climate change impacts and risks across sectors and adaptation and mitigation policies and measures.